[12] P-P-P-PRETTY!

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xii. don't stumble  


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THERE WAS THIS NICKNAME Cain Ambrose gave his youngest daughter whenever she'd lie. Stumblebum. Of course, it was a real word with an actual meaning. A clumsy person. But, Cain would always use it to explain the way April with sputter and stumble over her words as she attempts to lie.

It was playful and it caught out within the Ambrose household. Cain often ruffling April's fluffy hair as he walked out of the house for, his pack of cigarettes in his free hand. 'See you later, Stumblebum,'. April always rolled her eyes with an amused smile, shaking her head as she bid her father goodbye for the day. They'd always been incredible close. She loved her dad, so!

Now, this nickname was all April could think of as she pulled her pale yellow Converse on, tying the laces back around her ankles and to the front with a neat ribbon. Opening the front door and gazing out the screen, it was 11:50. Bill should be here soon.

Gulping nothing but dry spit and air down her throat, April furrows her eyebrows, playing with the hem of her short puff sleeve. She clicks her lips together nervously. Not even feeling the presence of someone creeping up behind her.

"Boo!" April's snaps from her thoughts, her body jolting up and stomach dropping at the sudden feeling of hands slamming against her back. Holly. Of course, it was her.

Looking behind her, her eyes wide in shock. She was still shaken up from last night. "Holden Caufield! That's not even funny, you... You, you brat!" April breathes out, using the character her sisters namesake came from. Holly hates it, 'it makes people think I'm a boy, momma!'.

Holly doesn't even bother to retaliate, too busy laughing, her eyes squinted as she claps her hands, doubled over and laughing at her sisters fright. "How didn't you hear me coming up? I literally called out to mom and dad that I'm going out," She wheezes out, shaking her head as she nudges her little sisters shoulder. Not noticing the way she winced at the contact.

"Not everything's about you, Holden. I've learned to tune you out cause all you do is annoy me!" April responds, moving to the side so Holly can step out of the front door and onto the houses porch, her battered white sneakers creaking against the wood and April couldn't help but admire the way her sister decorated the laces with beads. "Where are you going, anyway?" She asks.

𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲, ( 𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 )Where stories live. Discover now