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xvii. rock war!


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AN HOUR PASSED SINCE APRIL HELD HIM IN HER ARMS, it was 9:30 and his parents still hadn't shown. She didn't mind, she loved being his in presence, especially after the incident the night before. It felt so much safer with him, it was almost as if nothing could ever hurt her. Not when she's with him, anyway. He was quickly becoming her safe place and she was becoming his.

Her parents didn't mind either, too busy chattering off about how April, their April, had her own friends and how that boy, Bill Denbrough was so clearly her best. Cain babbling to Josephine about how the boys eyes glazed over speaking about her, the nickname he had called her and how since April began to spend time with the boy she seemed so much happier.

The two teens spoke of anything and everything in between, after the initial shyness and tears — they were able to find a place of comfort, quietly giggling at each other's comments as they unknowingly fall deeper and deeper into each other.

Both were laid down on her bed and staring at the ceiling, their hands touching one another's lightly due to the lack of space. The only sounds filling the room being their breathing and occasional shifting before suddenly Bill broke the silence. "W-Why d-d-didn't you... Y-Y'no, h-have any f-f-friends before u-us?" He asks shyly, scared that he was prodding at a subject that shouldn't be prodded at.

She just seemed so loveable, so full of life. The fact that he'd see her alone to her thoughts made him wonder why she was always so lonesome. What she made him feel was indescribable, this feeling he felt for April. He felt connected to her in ways unimaginable, especially in the short time they've had.

She's quiet for a minute, looking away from the ceiling and turning her head to the side, staring at the curve of his nose, his long lashes and what he could see of his green-blue eyes and she swore this was like a movie. Some silly teenage one which she would watch with Holly during the evenings, when they'd throw popcorn at the box television in annoyance at the main characters bad decisions. She memorized each and every flaw which she deemed a perfection on his face as he patiently waited the few moments it took for her to respond.

Humming as she rubs a piece of her bedding between  two of her fingers, she breathes out. "I tried to think," She starts, still looking at him and realizing that he's looking back now too and she's thrown straight into the pools of colour his eyes were. Her heart doing a small flip as she breathes in shakily, staring at him — him staring back.

𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲, ( 𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 )Where stories live. Discover now