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THE FLOORBOARDS CREAKED BENEATH THEM as they all unsteadily begin to walk into the decaying house. Their knees shook, hands trembled as their shoulders bumped against one another's. They hadn't a clue as to what to expect once they made it down that well and into the sewers which they narrowed down as the home of the monster which tormented the town.

For a moment, they all just stood there in the doorway. Particles of dust floating in the air and their eyes scan the spiderwebs which lined the walls. "Stan?" They're all pulled from their thoughts, Ben looking back to the porch much like how he did with April just a few moments earlier.

He stood there frozen, eyes water and figure shaking. It made April's heart breaking in two, knowing his fear far too well as she had felt it just moments before. She still felt it in fact. Bill opened his mouth, ready to speak to him in a reassuring voice. He stops, seeing how April quickly moves away from between Richie and Mike and towards the boy who still stood outside the house.

She puts a trembling hand on his forearm softly, looking to him with the similar comfort she found in Bill's eyes — hoping it'd serve the same purpose to Stan. "Stannie," She mumbles and he looks down to her, tears streaming his cheeks.

"I can't go in there, April," He whispers weakly.

She nods, hearing the rest of the boys shuffle behind her. "I thought that too," She responds. "But, we have to. For Bev, right? We'll make each other brave and together we'll all win this," She goes on, voice breaking as he nods, looking down to his shoes as April and him begin to enter the house. His steps reluctant.

They settle once again between Mike and Richie, allowing the comfort they all found in one another to consume them. Their movements are small throughout the house, moving together or not at all. Their steps causing dusty footprints on the uneven floorboards. Bill knew exactly where they needed to go. The dank basement where the well resided.

Their feet fall one by one against the steps, April coughing into her elbow at the change of air. It was easily far more thin and the dust littered throughout didn't help its case. Though, the air thin, the silence was thick amongst them. Full of unsure breaths and nervous foot placements in fear it'd cause too much noise and allow IT to come find them.

"Hey Eddie, got a quarter?" Richie breaks the silence which left them all somewhat quest.

Eddie shakes his head and responds without missing a beat. "No, I'd rather not make a wish in that fucking thing," He responds, foot falling against the floor of the basement, foot crunching against the gravel.

They continue towards the well. April scrunching up her nose as they get closer towards it. Leaning over the ledge and staring down into the dark abyss which they assumed is where their lost friend was hidden. "Beverly?" Ben shouts, his voice echoing.

They all hoped to hear a response. A shout back, a whimper, or even a scream would be far better than the deafening silence which followed after the hollow echoes of Ben's desperate voice.

"How're we supposed to get down there?" Mike speaks up.

April looks away from the void of the well, heart pounding in her chest as she looks to Bill out of instinct. Seeing him lea ing over the ground and snatching a dirty rope before walking to her side and attacking the end of it to the hook. He tugs on it, April watching his movements.

Her eyebrows furrow in worry as she realizes his intentions. "Billy, you've got to joking with us, right?" She asks, lip trembling as she imagined him descending down that awful rope. As she imagined any of them descending down it.

𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲, ( 𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 )Where stories live. Discover now