Buses & Bunk Beds (Zarry)

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I glanced over at Harry. He was looking back at me and I could see his mouth moving in that slow, sexy way of his, but I couldn't focus on what he was saying. I was too busy enjoying how pink and puffy his lips looked, imagining how soft they would feel and how red I could make them if I just leaned in and kissed him. I scooted closer to him and caught the scent of his shampoo. He smelled so clean and I wanted to bury my head in his curls and breathe him in. His eyes seemed to darken as he gazed at me. He was so fucking beautiful that it was almost painful to look at him, like staring at the sun. Harry raised an eyebrow at me and licked his lips, and before I knew what I was doing I was leaning in to whisper in his ear. "I need you." *** Zayn finds himself drawn to one of his band mates after a game of Truth or Dare gets out of hand. The events of this drunken night lead Zayn and Harry to question everything that they thought they knew about themselves. Can love prevail when their attempts to navigate a relationship while living in the spotlight are thwarted by girlfriends, management, fans, and even the other members of One Direction? WARNING: Explicit sexuality. **1st place winner in the boyxboy category of the 2014 1D Watty Awards**

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