Lights, Camera & Kiss! (ʟıʟᴏ ᴘᴀʏʟɪɴsᴏɴ)

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Louis Tomlinson. His dad is Mark Tomlinson, the spot light of Hollywood. Louis lived the life because of his dad; he had the money, the fame and the girls but the thing was he didn't need girls. Yep, Louis was gay and everyone knew that, the whole world did. But when the female attention for Louis gets out of control, Louis' dad comes up with a plan. A fake- boyfriend. Louis was going to get a fake- boyfriend. Louis didn't like this plan one bit, he didn't need a fake- boyfriend, he didn't want to pretend to love someone he didn't even know! But who would be willing to actually fake date the snobby, spoilt child of Mark Tomlinson?


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