-• 1; Missed Me? •-

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—• Chapter 1; Missed me? •—

[River's POV]

It's been almost a year since Zack and Ivy up and left. I currently live on the streets once dance comps didn't pay rent so I focused my attention on finding them. I've narrowed down the culprit, a red hat and cloak wearing all-good-thief. Carmen Sandiego.

So here I am, on a bridge, prepared to through myself on a boat. Not just any boat, but her boat. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Ms Sandiego but I am not losing my only family.

30 seconds till jump. I think, moving backwards for a running jump. She stretched, spotting the blob of ginger and red speeding as their tail closes in. Let's go.

My sneakers squeak and I run, jumping onto the ledge I throw myself onto the boat ledge with a thud. "Ugh.." I groan, my knees buckling from the force. My eyes meet hers. "Carmen Sandiego." I let out a strained laugh, spotting my concerned siblings run over to her.

"Carm—" Ivy freezes at the sight of me. "Ivy! Is Carmen ok?— Riv..?" He froze as he saw me. I gave them and awkward wave.

"RIVER!" They yelled throwing themselves at me. I chuckled hugging them tightly, "yeah, yeah I missed you both too. But—" I slap them. "HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME?!"

"That's gotta hurt." Another voice adds, I look around and Carmen chuckles at my confusion. Ivy and Zack give each other a smirk.

Carmen helps me up as she tells me, "That's Player, he's like our secret weapon, but you can hear him from my earpiece."

I nod slowly before responding.
"Sounds like a pubescent nerd."

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