Stella and Champion City (1.4)

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* Noting that these Story may not be in order they happened to (Y/n). This is just what they were doing before season 2 and after season 1.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ru-. Epp!" Said (Y/n) as one of the Lady's bodyguards came close to them, scaring (Y/n) making them back up.
"Stand down, they didn't mean any harm." Said The Lady, the other bodyguard helped her up. She got close to (Y/n), where (Y/n) could smell her perfume. "Are you visting?" She asked.
"Y-Yeah. I didn't have to help Jesse today so I'm here to see what this place is like. I'm (Y/n)." Said (Y/n).
"Stella. I've heard of you, you're the kid that Jesse took in after your friends were murdered." Said Stella.
"Yes? You really don't miss any details." Said (Y/n). "I'm really sorry about knocking you over."
"It's fine, how about you tell me about your journey with Jesse and her friends in return? So you wouldn't be kicked out." Said Stella." Follow me." Before walking away with (Y/n) to follow her.
"So you know nothing of your past? But some old builders were hinting at something including your old friend Cassie Rose who killed some of your friends?" Said Stella summing up what (Y/n) done.
"Pretty much, Hadrian said someone came and looked for me but Hadrain forgot his name." Said (Y/n) before it suddenly thundered, scaring (Y/n).
"Have you ever thought of having a magical destiny?" Said Stella, completely serious.
"No? If anyone it would be Jesse." Said (Y/n). "All weird magical stuff seems to happen to her."
"No, I mean you left here to go somewhere new, forgot everything about yourself. But How? How did you know of the Old Builders? If you were normal, you would of staid here and forgotten but you left somehow. Seems like the old you were hiding from someone or something that happened." Said Stella, as the rain became heavier. Stella brought (Y/n) to her treasure hall.
"Cool right? Me and Luna, found most of it and the others are donations for people who help me with the city. But sadly Luna ran off, hopefully she'll return or I'll get someone to find her." Said Stella.
(Y/n) had an idea and got a flower out of their pocket. It was Yellow, their favorite color and flower. "Here, I got it on... one of my adventures with Jesse. It's not normal treasure but-."
"Thank you, (Y/n)." Said Stella, seeing clearly threw (Y/n) pathetic accuse to give her the yellow flower.
"Your Welcome!" Said (Y/n), looking outside to see it had stop raining. "I should go back, see if Jesse done with the Paperwork. We should get her an intern..." said (Y/n), trailing off in a thought. "Anyway bye Stella. I'll try and vist."

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