Snowman and Kidnapped (2.4)

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Y/n) screammed at the new voice and turned around to see a snow golem without its pumpkin to cover it's very strange face. The worst it was talking.
"What the heck are you???!" Yelled/Questioned (Y/n).
"I'm the Admin, (Y/n)." He said before (Y/n) screamed again.
"(Y/n)! Please calm down." Said Petra, grabbing (Y/n)'s hand getting their attention.
"Nope.Nope. I gonna walk away and then freeze to death." Said (Y/n).
"You're not leaving. You'll get lose and die and I dont want that guilt." Said Jack.
"Wise Man. Even though you'll be competing with them as you are unwell." Said the Admin.
"What the heck? I'm not unwell! And why don't old people ever let me play in stupid dangerous games?!" Yelled (Y/n) but soon vanished.
"Bring them back!" Said Petra.
"No can do, let's they are a motivation for you to get done quicker! Now let's continue to the Rules..."
"You called me Old?" Said The Snowman, appearing in the middle where seems there to be ice that could hold people, luckly (Y/n) was not in one. They were in front of the clock.
"What do you expect? A compliment for freezing everything? Scaring me? Almost killing people I know multiple times? Not to mention Jack's eye?" Said (Y/n).
"Do you not remember me (Y/n)? I'm an old friend of yours." Said Admin.
"..We were questioned by your friend, forgot his name. Saying you were his only true friend left." Said Mavin.
"You were the one Mavin was talking about?" Questioned (Y/n).
"Bingo! After the other two betrayed me and sent you away. But I knew one day you would find your way back. You've always been resourceful." Said Admin.
"Wait...wait. wait! That means I'm old!" Said (Y/n).
"That's the only thing you got for that? Anyway name is Romeo. Seems like someone lost~." Said Ad- Romeo. Stella soon appeared in the ice.
"Stella!" Said (Y/n) before coming to her but was floated back were the clock was.
"You aren't to interfere, definitely with a loser." Said Romeo.
"But she might freeze! It's Ice!" Said (Y/n) soon Lukas and Radar appeared.
"(Y/n)! Are you okay?" Asked Lukas.
"I've been better. Its not like I was kidnapped by a talking snowman." Said (Y/n) before looking at Radar. "Are you okay?"
"Yep! Never been better." Said Radar, clearly trying to stay calm.
"You got this, Radar. Just keep breathing." says (Y/n), seeing Jesse and the others appear and soon face to face with the ender-creeper.
"You probably need to split up to stay safe!" Yelled (Y/n) noticing that Romeo was no longer here. Getting their axe out and jumped into fighting off the werid mobs.
"Jake get the clock." Said Jesse as (Y/n) and Petra start protecting her as she freed the others.
After freeing Stella they built their way up to Jake, who was setting the time back to day.
"Good Job Jake!" Said (Y/n) before being hugged by Jesse again, tightly. "I'm alive, I'm okay other than confuse. Very, very confused." Said (Y/n). "The Admin says he knows me before I lost my memory, which makes me really really old." (Y/n) said, muttering the last part.
"Are you cold?" Asked Lukas, seeing them shiver.
"Kinda, Its like a seeping coldness." Said (Y/n).
"We should get going." Said Lukas before Radar and him, jumped up.
"What are you planning? Waiting for the Admin to show up." Said Stella, not leaving.
"Stella really, you really dont want to meet this dude." Said (Y/n). "Saying this as a person he kinda kidnapped into being here."
"Why do you keep interacting with losers (Y/n)?" Said... Vos?
"Um wait did I miss?" Asked (Y/n), seeing Jake brokenhearted and Jesse angerer than she was.
"The Admin disguised as Vos. Which means Vos is..."
"Dead." Finished Jake.
"He wouldn't be able to stay alive in my temple that long." Said Romeo.
"What the heck did you do that for?" Asked (Y/n). "Beside to emotional damaging people."
"Says the person, who keeps hanging out with losers!"
"They arent losers! They are my friends. Respect them so, Romeo." Said (Y/n).
"You deserve better friends. These limit you by what? 'Protecting' you?"
"At least they have the audacity to make sure that I'm fine and okay with things." Said (Y/n) before earning a look from Romeo and Soon was pulled behind the group by Petra.
"So you do remember somethings. Clearly not consciously but its atleast something..." said Romeo. "But your attitude with me is unacceptable plus adding problems of your new 'friends' I think you need a time out along with some of your friends."
"I'm gonna get knocked out aren't I?" Said (Y/n).
"Just long enough to deal with your friends."
"Wonderful and I say that sarcastically!"
This took longer than I want to say. Like almost 8 months.

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