Cassie and Worred Friends (1.5)

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"Harper! Come on. I'm just gonna borrow the portal key and vist-."
"A murderer, and my former friend, Cassie. I know." Said Harper. "You understand how the others feel about this, correct?"
"Of course, and I would tell them when you borrow them to see amazing sunsets with Ivor." Said (Y/n) smirking, knowing that would embarrass her and Ivor.
Harper dropped the flint and steal in their hands.
"Stay safe child, I know you're almost an adult but you do not need to prove yourself." Said Harper kiss them on the forehead.
"Harper!" Said (Y/n), whipping their forehead and earning a laugh from her. "But I'll be safe, I promise." They said before running off to prepare.
(Y/n) soon appeared in Cassie dungeon and saw Cassie and Winslow still where they were left but Cassie writing in the book, (Y/n) threw down awhile ago.
"Cassie?" Said (Y/n), getting Cassie and the cats attention.
"You actually came back for me?" Asked Cassie.
"Of course, it would be rude if I didn't come back after I said I would." Said (Y/n), pulling out a few enderpearls. "If you ever see Petra again, tell her that I didn't steal these." Said (Y/n) throwing one beside Cassie handed Her one.
"How will Winslow get out?" Said Cassie and (Y/n) soon threw a fish to safe area getting the cat to jump after it and landing perfectly and safe. "You really thought this out." Said Cassie before throw her Pearl and soon did (Y/n).
"I wanted to make sure I got everything right. I'm sorry it took so long." Said (Y/n).
"Its fine, (Y/n). I'm surprised you want to help me after I killed Lizzie." Said Cassie.
(Y/n) had totally forgotten... So they ignored the pain in their head and the ache in their heart. Plus the thirst for revenge.
"It's...fine. Since I can't let you go exploring portal like you want, I thought you might go where the other Old Builders were. Hadrian and Mevia arent there since we banished them into a portal since they were all jerks." Said (Y/n).
"No one will hate me there?"
"No one should know beside Otto and sometimes Harper and maybe Ivor. So no."
"Thank you, (Y/n). I'm happy you're my friend." Said Cassie.
"Your Welcome. I hope things get better for you where we are heading, I think Otto wouldn't mind having you around to help with the rules." Said (Y/n).
"That sounds wonderful." Said Cassie.
"I'll come visit soon, okay? I want you to settle in, and telling Otto if you dont like it here, I can help you move somewhere else if needed." Said (Y/n).
"I will, Bye!" Said Cassie.
"I hope you've enjoyed your trip (Y/n)." Said Otto.
"Of course, bye. See you guys soon." Said (Y/n) before leaving for the hallway. Knowing where they are going.
"(Y/n)?" Said Ivor, seeing (Y/n) heading his direction. They saw him and smiled.
"Hey Ivor, enjoying your trips with Harper?" They asked, getting Ivor to fluster.
"Well yes but that's not why I'm here. Harper told us where to find you, you've forgot to tell anyone beside Harper that you were adventuring in the hallway. I mean you should have brought me with you." Said Ivor.
"I knew I was forgetting something. Is Jesse worried?" Asked (Y/n), knowing Jesse is the one that's taken care of them since returning to Jesse's world.
"Yes, but its Petra you might have to worry about this time. Since she is the one to notice you were gone." Said Ivor.
"Oh. Well I had a good life, Ivor. You can have all my magic stuff I guess." Said (Y/n), getting a pat on the shoulder.
"Very well. It was good knowing you (Y/n). You are more bearable than most people." Said Ivor.
"Friends that love me very much."
"You should have left a note." Said Jesse.
"I was planning to but I forgotten in the excitment of an adventure." Said (Y/n). "I really didnt mean to forget, I'm sorry." They sighed before deciding to play the trump card. Usually gets them out of trouble.
"We haven't been on adventure in awhile and when you guys do, you kinda leave me at home." Said (Y/n), looking down at the ground.
"Look (Y/n), we do these things to protect you. We know you're capable person but we dont want you in the situation where we have no idea where you are or if you're hurt." Said Petra, surprising (Y/n) as Jesse is the one giving them that kinda speech.
"And your grounded for a month."
"Two months." Said Jesse.
"Ugh. I don't know what that is but it sounds awful." (Y/n) complained.
"Oh it is." Said Harper. "It very much is an awful experience. Luckily I'm an adult now. Without parents or guardians to watch me and my.. many mistakes."
"Aren't those the adult people who watch over children for free until they come to age?" Asked (Y/n), clueless and the other shared a look.
"Yeah, do you not remember yours?" Asked Petra and (Y/n) shook their head no.
"I only remember after Lizzie found me in the cave." Said (Y/n). "But I don't need them, I got you guys and your like my guardians!"
"Aww." Said Jesse.
"Ugh, it's 1 month only because that was cute." Said Petra, ruffling (Y/n)'s hair.

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