New Reality (2.8)

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It didnt take long for Xara to be thrown back in her cell. She had completley forgotten that she left an old friend in her cell. Xara was back in her muzzle and sat near (Y/n).
They had their eyes closed to keep calm, they had many emotions in them right now. Mostly anger and sadness.
"I only remember the three of you." Said (Y/n) breaking the silence. Xara looked at them, seeing (Y/n) head was down.
(Y/n) soon felt a strange familiar sensation in the center of their chest.
"Rome-." Said (Y/n) before they disappeared from Xara's sight.
"Ah. The guest of the hour!" Said Romeo as (Y/n) appeared beside him, floating. They were clearly upset and crying.
"(Y/n)!" Yelled Jesse, blocking a blow from Jack.
"Are they okay?" Asked Radar. "Are you okay?" Romeo clearly wasn't happy at the state (Y/n) was in.
"What did she do? I will make her pay if she-."
"I remember you." Said (Y/n), stopping Jack and Jesse's fight and earning everyone attention.
"What else?" Asked Romeo.
"And the other two. Only the stuff that involved the three of you."
"Ugh. None of the useful stuff then." Said Romeo. "You have powers (Y/n). You can control the weather if you wished." He said before getting Jake and Jesse to fight again until they tried to attack him.
"Do you really think you could hurt me with a sword? Did you really think that would work?" He said. "You haven't even been here for a day and caused so much trouble." He said before going into a rant about having friends.
"Are you even listening to yourself?!" Said Jesse.
"You wouldn't understand. But I don't care what you think, I'm gonna have loads of friends soon! After all..." said Romeo before turning into Jesse.
"Everyone loves Jesse, right?" He said before taking the gauntlet off of Jake and putting it on himself. He got Stella to follow him.
"I have your back Jesse, trust me. And take care of Luna for me (Y/n)." whispered Stella. "Coming, darling Admin."
"Stella is just the beginning, your other friends will fall in line too. Lukas, Axel, Olivia, all of them. Dont worry, I'll take good care of Beacontown." Said Romeo before looking at (Y/n).
"And you! Until you become more of a friend, you are staying here and learning the lesson." Said Romeo.
"What lesson? All you did was shove me in here and got me to remember.. things!" Yelled (Y/n).
"I've been looking everywhere for you since you disappeared and you repay me with helping the losers!" Yelled Romeo.
"They are my friends! You were my friend! You all were my friends!" Yelled (Y/n).
"Fine. Then stay here with your friends." Said Romeo before dropping everyone and disappearing with Stella.
(Y/n) sat up with a groan and was tackled into a hug by Radar.
"Oh thank goodness you aren't died." He said and (Y/n) patted his shoulder.
"Radar, I'm gonna be dead if you don't let me breath." Said (Y/n) and Radar let them go and the two stood up.
"I'm happy the Admin didnt send you where he sent me. That place was not great." Said Jake.
"Hopfully Prisoner X will help us escaping." Said Jesse as they wnt though the doorway to Xara.
"Hopefully." Said (Y/n), not knowing what to make of Xars yet. Their thoughts were interrupted by trip wire and they were stuck on Jesse's side and the way to Xara.
"Talk about some intense security." Said Jesse, looking around as Jake was talking Nurm.
"Just stick close to Jesse, alright?" Said Jack.
"Hmmm." Said Nurm.
"We'll be fine, dont worr-. (Y/n)!" Said Jesse as (Y/n) jumped to another platform.
"I'm okay!" Yelled (Y/n).
"Well okay, Jesse keep an eye on (Y/n) then while you guys get Prisoner X." Said Petra as Jesse, Nurm and Luna soon followed where (Y/n) has been jumping from and to.
(Y/n) made it to Xara before the others and they awkwardly waved to her.
"Heyyyyy." They said before Jesse and the others showed up.
"What have I told you about running ahead?" Said Jesse.
"Not to when we are in unknown place but I was just here." Said (Y/n) before Jesse noticed Xara. Jesse took the mask off of Xara and Xara screamed and (Y/n) jumped away from the sound.
"Who are you?!" Yelled Xara.
"I'm Jesse, you must be Prisoner X." Said Jesse
"Bold of you to come down here, not knowing what you're dealing with. I could shove-" Said Xara.
"Can you not threaten my friend please?" Asked (Y/n) earning a glare from Xara.
"-shove you right into the lave. And you would deserve it for being so trusting and so gullible." Said Xara. "Including you, (Y/n)."
"If you've done that you would have been stuck here forever." Said Jesse.
"Is this a rescue attempt? Ugh. So heroic." Said Xara.
"Look, Prisoner X-."
"Xara." She said.
"Look Xara, you're suppose to know how to get out of here?" Asked (Y/n).
"How would you come up with that idea?" Asked Xara.
"You literally tried to escape while I was here."
"I get bored from time to time. I like to stretch my legs, beat up a few guards. It doesn't mean a thing." Said Xara.
"The Admin stole my identity and he's running around with my face doing horrible things in my name! I gotta to get outta here now!" Said Jesse.
"Is that why you disappeared? Because Romeo was here?" Asked Xara.
"Yeah, he just mostly complained about me." Said (Y/n) seeing the confused look on Jesse. "Romeo is the Admin's real name."
"How do you know his real name?" Asked Jesse.
"We were old friends, I know his real name and so much more. You must really be something if you made him that mad. He almost never comes down here, except to put the Warden's feet to the fire from time to time." Said Xara
(Y/n) soon took noticed to why there were pressure plates in the room. There was a heck ton of TNT about blocked off from lave.
"Fiddlesticks!" yelled (Y/n) at their realization.
"Are you okay?" Asked Jesse.
"We are gonna have to leave someone here Jesse." Said (Y/n) before point at the stont pressure plates under them. "It needs someone on it not to explode."
"That's right, one stay so the rest can leave. That's the situation and it's the only way out." Said Xara. "But you're not leaving (Y/n). They are useful."
"Why are people keep saying I'm usefully or not. Is it like a code I dont understand?" Said (Y/n).
Jesse didnt say anything just thinking.
"Ugh. We don't have time for this. I'm leaving, if you want to leave this place alive, I suggest you do the same." Said Xara walking away and (Y/n) followed her and Xara was already out of her straight jacket.
"How?" Asked (Y/n) and Xara just shrugged before hugging (Y/n). "Oof." Mumbled (Y/n).
"I thought you were gone again after I just got you back." She said before pushing (Y/n) away.
"I'm sorry I worried you Xara." Said (Y/n) before Jesse showed up with Luna.
"Nurm wanted to stay." She said and (Y/n) was head butted by Luna.
"Aw. I missed you to Luna." Said (Y/n).
"If you're done with your tearful goodbyes, we have a prison to escape from." Said Xara.
Ugh. My hands. Got to say my favorite character from mcsm s2 was Xara. Favorite animal is Luna.

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