Rap Battle

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This is an AU where Molten and Springtrap lived through what they caused in the original Famous Films Series and were annoying Bryan and the others
Disclaimer: lots of bad words

Sony POV
It was a normal day......until HE showed up
"What do you want Springtrap and Molten" I asked very very sassy
"We came to destroy you" Springtrap said with an evil laugh and creepy smile while taking out a knife

Oh fuck, fuck fucccckkkkkk
What am I gonna do..... wait!
Hold on yes that will work
"Well could we destroy each other in a rap battle?" I asked
Everyone turned their heads at me like if I was asking to be murdered

"What? Your joking right?" Springtrap asked kinda disappointed a bit but overall like wtf
"Yeah, if I win you leave us alone and if you win uhh you choose" I said kinda not to sure of what was going to happen
"Fine, but I'll be the winner here" He said with tone that was full of pride
"Ok let's get going then, TO BABYS STA- I MEAN TENT" I yelled while running over to her tent like a dumbass lol
After everyone sat down
( People who were there: Bryan, (all of his animatronics), My OC Holden, Molten and of course Springtrap)

"Ok since you were So Sure you would win go first Springtrap, I dare you" I said in a violent tone

"With pleasure Princess~"

Springtraps Song

After the song

No one POV
Everyone's face was worried about this song that Sony would do now, it all depends on her
Sony herself was a bit impressed at what Springtrap did but she didn't know if she could do better
"It's your turn Sony, Good Luck~" Springtrap said with a bit of venom in his voice

Sony POV
It's now or never I guess
(Play song at the top in the beginning of the one shot)

Aye yo we been through before we don't need any more shit uh no we don't need it no more
Hey your so annoying but you don't know that huh
You decide to go kill kids for your family but yet you don't got no family left
You get mad for slightly fucking reasons no one cares about your fucking needs bitch, you wasted your here now mine bitch
Take my fucking degree when you don't got none, here wasting time making what? Fucking killer robots
If that's the real way you plan to bring your family back then you got all fucking wrong, no one gives shit
No cares about a fucking P*&y Cat that hides in a hideout that can easily be given out by your fucking "helper"
Yea no
What you gonna fucking do when your all alone eh?
Wait for the fam to come running back on their knees fucking begging you?
Hell no bitch you got it all wrong, you dropped a beat so here's mine.....

Your fucking beat is fucking weak I bet if I was the manager of this place I would've fired you the second that I saw you
Hey how about let's go to the fucking personal information
Hey you designed killer robots not my fault they killed all three of your kids
You got mad then upset hey!
Hey no else to blame expect for you bitch
You really give the worst fucking excuse than 5 year old, oh whoops
Did I remind you too much of your fucking mistakes
None full of fucking regret except for your damned kids
Damn I feel so fucking bad that they had Motherfucker you for a dad
Hey no harsh words but I think your a bastard
If you weren't such a fucking idiot maybe your kids would still be living and breathing
Hey no!
But nah you to go pull the fucking mistakes all over your criminal record
But this is what I have to say:
Fuck you
No one else hey!
Don't blame fucking poor Bryan for your own fucking problems bitch
Molten ain't your slave neither are the others because your such a d*&$
To me and the others
Heck even fucking Jon would agree with me here because of the shit that you piled up on us
There's no fucking point to try to erase all the shit you did
Look the other day you struck your own fucking daughter
Like what the fuck what kind of father does that?
Oh wait I know!
The one that's lost everything including his own fucking sanity
)wait for beat to drop again(
Oh shit here we go again, I mean didn't wanna go this far but since were here I might as well fucking tell you off on all your mistakes bitch
Yet you still fucking wonder why all those poor fucking kid souls are still upset at you
Well if you think a bit harder bitch you might figure it out
Yeah no even Michael still blames you for all the shit that you caused
Not even your fucking wife wants a stupid ass bitch like you
Now that's the end of my rap and get the fuck outta my face before I beat your ass for all the shit you caused to everyone

After the rap
Sony POV
I dropped the microphone onto the floor while panting out of breath from the rap. Everyone's face was so shocked at what verses and how many cuss words I said in that song I made right on the spot. But Springtraps face was just angry and shocked at what I had explained about him.
"Well- who won?" I asked

Ahhhhh yes who won?
Springtrap or Sony?
Write your vote now!

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