Bryan x Workaholic Reader

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Y/n= Your name lol
Your POV:

You have been Bryan best friend so as long as you could remember, your parents would joke around how you and Bryan would stick with each other through the hardest times and greatest times in life. In the end, they were right after all, you currently were doing paperwork for the theme park due to Davis demanding that it be shut down immediately before any other guests got hurt. You were only allowed to work 3 hours everyday for paperwork because Bryan didn't want you to overwork yourself like always. Your the Co-owner of the theme park which meant you had A LOT of responsibilities to do and to handle. In the old pizzeria before the "incident" happened with Afton, you were the Co-owner but the animatronics didn't know not even molten. Often they would just think your Bryan's friend or a random worker that liked to help out Bryan with the pizzeria.
You looked over at the clock and realized you had worked for 8 hours straight without any breaks doing the paperwork.
'Ehhhhh Bryan won't mind, I hope ;-;'
You stacked up all the work that was finished and left it on Bryan's desk so he could sort it out later. You walked out of the office and locked it and then went downstairs to exit the office building. As you made your way towards the hotel (because ur tired lol) you saw the animatronics together playing monopoly together. You didn't bother saying hello because you knew if you interrupted them they wouldn't forgive you if made them lose the game. As you made your over to the hotel it was nice, quiet and relaxing. Soon you made your way on to your room but as you were going to open your hotel room door, you noticed that someone was waiting for you inside.
'Shoot if it's Bryan I'm screwed but if it's someone else, I'll just have to take my chances'
You slowly stepped inside and closed the door quietly and just as you were going to turn on the light, someone already beat you to it.

" Y/N where have you been? You've been gone for 8 hours" Bryan said in a serious tone while giving you a death glare
" I have been uhhh....working..." You mumbled under your breath hoping Bryan would hear you but he knows what you do because you do this quite often.
" Of course you would *sigh* go rest Y/N you need it you have eye bags under your eyes" Bryan said pretty disappointed but he knew he can't change you because he's tried before and believe me when I say he has tried but it fails every time.
At first you didn't want to and simply went over to your desk in your hotel room to read a book but Bryan was not going to have that at all.
He picked you bridal style which caused you squeak out of surprise.
"B-Bryan! Put me down! I can walk perfectly fine!" You complained as he tossed you onto your bed but he simply didn't respond and just tucked you in and sat on the side of the bed making sure you would fall asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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