fourth chapter

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"fuck fuck fuck!" minju said while thinking what to do to fix this situation but she can't think about anything, why did she say that? simple, she was angry because she was trying to be friendly with the pink-haired.

"what's the problem here?" her friend asked, minju looked at her but she was so desperate about the things she said to the other girl so she didn't think about an answer to her friend, yena, "yah! answer me" 

"what can i do? look!" she screamed and showed to yena the chat with chaewon, yena sigh and looked at her friend with an are you serious? face, she just sighs just like the older and hid her face with a pillow near her, "i fucked up everything!"

"maybe you can talk to her in school" yena suggested, minju looked at her and give her back the face that yena gave her some minutes back, "what?" the older asked, she didn't know about kim chaewon, so she didn't have idea about the way that the pink-haired was.

"she's... a little bit cold with people" she explained to her blonde friend, yena nodded and thought about some plan, but any idea looked good for minju because the younger was a little bit dumb when it was about yena's plan.

"i know you always hate my plans so i can't really help you now," yena said when she realized that the younger was going to hate every plan, minju sigh knowing that the older was right.

"i think i'm going to die," minju said, she was so desperate because she was so dumb in that moment, she wasn't thinking straight so she wasn't very conscious about the things she said to the pink-haired girl. "i don't think i'm going to be able to go to school again, i can't face her".

"you're overreacting, is not that serious," the older said, trying to be a good friend, but failing at the first try, minju looked at her with her sad expression and yena just laugh at her, "you should talk with her and i'm serious, maybe you can explain her why did you say those things".

and for the first time, minju thought that yena gave her a good advice even if the older said the same some minutes back, but yena was looking very serious at the moment so she knew the older was giving her the only thing to do to clear the situation with chaewon.

"i'm going to do it" minju said, she was a little bit nervous, what's going to happen if chaewon hits her in the face or just ignore her in front of the school, because yes, minju was still thinking about her reputation even if chaewon's problem is more important.


so yeah, double update 'cause i'm a good person and i like my own story.

so... if you don't know this, i'm from Chile, a south america country, so the things here are very bad 'cause the state went up the price of the subway and people started to protest and now the things are out of control, i'm really hoping the things in my city don't go to far away but some things already happened.

maybe for you sounds very dumb, but we started to protest because of all of the things, the medicines, the public health, the state corruption, our president being a corrupter.

our president evaded $588.000.000 (about 545.518 dollars) and the protestants are just avoiding $830 (about 1.17 dollars), even if 1.17 dollars are not much for you, people with the minimum wage can't pay everything they need.

i'm telling you this 'cause is important to vote, to know about the people you're voting for president, so if you have the opportunity to vote in your country, do it consciously, and if you can't yet, get informed about what's happening in the world and your country.

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