eleventh chapter

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a month has passed, chaewon was more happy than ever but she didn't want to admit that minju was the reason of her happiness, she was strong and she didn't want to trust in the younger, she was afraid because of her own past.

"chaewon~" the younger called, the pink-haired looked at her waiting for something, but minju just smiled at her and make her feel confused again, when minju smiles at her, she feels happy, she feel so fucking happy and she wanted to trust in minju, but she can't or that's what they made her believe.

"what do you want?" she asked softly without knowing it, minju was smiling at her and that makes her heart went crazy, she was trying to avoid those feelings but she knew she can't do that forever, "can you stop?" she said without thinking about it, minju laughed and hugged chaewon, the pink-haired just looked away trying to not blush but the younger already notices about the red cheeks of chaewon.

"stop blusinh every time i hug you"minju said, but chaewon just showed an angry face, minju laughed at her again and that made chaewon felt angrier but at the same time she blushed more, "like... i know you like me but is not that much" the younger said joking, but chaewon choked because minju sounded so serious.

"yah! don't joke with that..." she said, trying to don't sound too obvious, but minju felt a little of nervousness in chaewon's voice, but she didn't say anything that time, "if you said this with any other girl, she maybe feels bad now and she fell in love with you but you broke her heart" chaewon laughed at her theory but minju knows that's the reality.

minju didn't say anything after that, it was stupid but she knew how many girls and boys were back to her, but she just played with all of them, but now she was very determined to be different with chaewon, she doesn't know why but she wanted to changer for her.

they were at the school library making some homework in minju's case and a project for english in chaewon's case, they were sometimes when chaewon looked at minju just because she wanted to see the younger's face, she wanted to be familiar with minju's face of concentration because she believed that was the most beautiful thing at the moment.

she tried to concentrate in her project but when she was trying to think, minju put her head in the table and she sighed loudly, chaewon gave her a little smile but it disappear when minju looked at her, the younger put her head in her right hand and looked at what the pink-haired was doing, she saw some words that she didn't understood but she knew it was english, so she decided to not ask.

"what are you looking at?" chaewon said after some minutes, she finally ended her part of the project and realized that minju has her eyesight in the english project, "you're not going to understand anything" but minju was thinking about something else and she wanted to ask chaewon about it, because the older was the only who can answer her doubts.

"i want to know you, chaewon" minju said out of nothing, the older looked at her with a expression of confusion, "i want to know why are you like this, why you don't want to have friends" she said fast, trying to explain what she meant, she came closer to chaewon, sitting on the chair that was on the older's left, she was feeling nerves because now, she can feel minju's breath too close to her face.

the cheeks of both girls were red, minju can't stop herself because she wanted to be closer to chaewon, she wanted to see the pink-haired eyes more closer and now how beautiful they are, she put one of her hands in chaewon's cheek and the other in her waits, she was trying to get a more comfortable position, but chaewon was feeling so nervous that she just pushed the both of them into the floor and that made the things worse.

she ended in the top of minju, her arms were on the side of the younger head, she was more closer than before to minju's face, the younger smiled but she didn't do anything, chaewon's cheeks were redder than before and without knowing it, she came closer to the younger's face, she was determined to kiss her.

and that's what she did.

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