fifth chapter

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it was the day, minju was ready to talk with chaewon about what she said, she was really, really nervous, she was nervous because she was going to apologize to the pink-haired and because she was going to talk to her.

what? no way, she wasn't nervous because of that, or that's what she said to herself.

minju was at school in front of chaewon's classroom, she was waiting for the pink-haired and she finally saw her, head down and her old earphones, cliché.

"chaewon" she talked to the older, but she didn't hear minju, the volume was up to the maximum, so minju tried again, "hey... chaewon" she touched chaewon's shoulder, the older reacted and looked at minju with a disgusted face, minju knew she was in her right to look at her like that, but she was feeling bad because of that.

"what do you want? i think you and i don't have anything to talk about" chaewon said, putting one of her earphones away, minju was thinking about the right words but the pink-haired was so intimidating to her just by looking at her, so she wasn't thinking straight, "get lost, fucking frog".

the older walked into her classroom, minju entered back to her and followed her, chaewon noticed the presence of the younger back to her, so she stopped and minju crashed her, the pink-haired turnaround very close to minju's face, the younger can feel the older's breath and she was feeling really nervous at that moment, even more than before.

 "do you need something?" chaewon asked, minju nodded and look at the older lips, chaewon noticed that and smiled, the younger looked at chaewon's eyes again, "if you want to kiss me, apologize first, froggie" chaewon said.

WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO ME? minju screamed in her mind, she was so fucked up, students were looking at them and some of them were taking photos because of the scene.

"s-sorry, chaewon" minju apologized, chaewon smiled and came near to minju's ear and whispered.

"i'm your unnie, call me unnie" she said and smiled, she became a little bit closer to minju, their noses were touching and minju almost fainted there, what the hell was she doing? she can't kiss kim chaewon but she wanted that so badly for some reason, why?

"i'm sorry, chaewon-unnie" minju said after some minutes, chaewon walked away, making everyone get shocked, she stopped smiling and looked at minju's eyes one more time.

"fuck you, kim minju" and finally, she walked to her seat and put her earphone again, she rests her head in the school table and falls asleep fast.

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