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You Are No Lion


Name - Tamina Lannister (portrayed by Gemma Arterton)

House - Lannister

Sigil - Lion

Family - Father - Tywin Lannister, Mother - Amani Lannister (Deceased), Sister - Cersei Baratheon, Brothers - Jamie Lannister and Tyrion Lannister

History - Tamina is the youngest Lannister born after her father married her mother. At the age of 13 Tamina’s mother was murdered by an unknown assailant, since then Tywin has kept his prettiest and his favorite daughter locked inside Casterly Rock. Now at the age of 20 it is past time for her to be wedded but Tywin still hasn’t shown her to the world of Westeros. Tamina wears a hood and a cover so only her eyes shown when she leaves the castle but around the castle she only wears the hood if she wears it at all. (This takes place before the show/books and during.)

As a child I only ever truly got along with Tyrion. He was a great older brother and my best friend. Cersei was always rude to me and she would pick on me because I was a Lannister but I didn’t look like one. Jamie wasn't as bad as Cersei but he wasn’t as nice as Tyrion. My Father cared for me more than all three of them, I asked him about it once and he told me it was because I was pure and that my mother was the most beautiful woman he ever met. After my mother’s death father kept me inside Casterly Rock, I haven’t traveled outside the walls for the past 7 years, Tyrion told me he traveled for the both of us.

While inside the castle I would wither wear no cover or my silk hood, outside the walls I would cover everything but my eyes, father would say I am far too beautiful for the average people to look upon and I must protect myself. I never traveled around the markets alone I was either with Tyrion or a guard member and my chambermaid Lyra. My life was difficult and tiresome but that would all soon change when Tyrion returned from Dorne with a Prince.

“Father!” I called out roaming the halls of the castle. As I passed guards they would bow at my presence before returning to their duty.

“He is in the meeting hall My Lady,” one guard said. I thanked him before moving towards the hall. I reach the large double doors the two guards bowed before opening the doors allowing me to step inside. I saw my father at the end of the table look up he caught my eyes and I smiled as he hushed and leaned back in his chair. I saw the back of Tyrion’s head and next to him was an unfamiliar man.

“Tyrion! Why was I not informed of your return?” I asked as I walked over to my older brother.

“My sweet baby sister, I only arrived moments ago and father asked for my attention,” Tyrion said as we hugged.

“And who is this?” I heard a foreign voice ask his accent not of this area.

“Prince Oberyn Martell, meet my baby sister Tamina,” Tyrion introduced as I curtseyed. A Prince I thought quietly as I looked over the man. Short dark hair, dark skin, facial hair, and his Yellow colored robes decorated with the sun of house Martell.

“I was under the impression that Tywin Lannister only had three children,” Prince Oberyn said his brown almost black eyes locked with my light brown ones. My breath caught in my throat as he stared into my soul.

“I have kept her here in Casterly Rock for sevens years, after the death of her mother I wanted no harm to reach her,” my Father replied breaking the stare between Oberyn and I.

“Seven years? How old are you Princess?” Oberyn asked pulling my hand to his lips.

“Twenty name days my Prince,” I said respectfully.

“And you have kept her here away from marriage, her mother and her must be very special to you,” Oberyn said releasing my hand and turning towards my father.

“Tamina is his favorite but Tamina is the purest of us all,” Tyrion said smiling at me.

“Baby sister how have you been?” Tyrion asked.

“I have been the same, bored roaming the halls and spending time in the markets,” I replied Oberyn still looking at me.

“Well we must return to our business Tamina, what is it you needed?” My father asked ending our conversation.

“I would like to go to the markets,” I said as he nodded.

“Wait till we are done here sister I will take you,” Tyrion said as I smiled bowing to the men and leave the room.

I felt my face with my hand it was heated from the encounter, I smiled to myself pulling my silk hood over my hair. The prince was very handsome, his chest peeking out of his robes, his voice as smooth as silk. I sighed blushing lightly thinking of Prince Oberyn.

I sat in my room as Lyra brushed my hair styling it for the market. I changed into a cream colored dress, a matching hood with face wrap and I slipped my feet into my red slips. I smiled looking at myself in the mirror. I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock on my door. “Come in!” I called out thinking it was Tyrion.

“My princess, you look beautiful,” the Dornish prince said as he stepped inside my room. I blushed looking at him.

“I thought you were Tyrion,” I said as he walked closer to me.

“Lord Tyrion is busy, and he asked if I could take the beautiful princess to the markets,” Oberyn smiled kissing my hand.

“I’m not a princess,” I said quietly as we left the room.

“To me every woman should be considered a princess,” Oberyn replied leading me down the halls.

“Then no one would be special,” I said as I wrapped my arm around his.

“Ah, but every woman is special in her own way. Look at you, you are a Lannister with dark hair and tan skin which you received from your mother I presume,” Prince Oberyn explained as we left the castle.

“Yes, my mother wasn’t from here,” I said lifting up my skirts to walk down the stairs.

“And even though you are a Lannister it seems that you are no lion,” Oberyn continued.

“What do you mean I am not a lion?” I asked offended.

“You are not angry and fierce like a lion, you are caring and bright, like the sun,” Oberyn explained.

“You say I belong in house Martell?” I asked turning to look at him. He stared back looking in my eyes.

“I say you will fit in quiet well,” Oberyn smiled as I froze.

“I am being sent to Dorne? Why?” I asked nervous and confused.

“Because you are to be my wife,” Oberyn explained. I pulled away from him staring at him.

“My father agreed to this?” I asked hurt and betrayed.

“He is the one that suggested it and why I am here, to bring my soon to be wife home with me,” Oberyn said as I moved even farther away from the foreign man. 

“I have to go,” I whispered turning and running away from him leaving my only safety through the city standing in the dust of my fear.

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