Chapter 4 - It's Not the Same

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You Are No Lion

Chapter 3 - It’s Not the Same

Oberyn’s POV

I watched my target look over the sea quietly. I had gained her trust easily for she was naive but her beauty was hard to not notice but she was to be killed for what the Lannisters had done. It was hard for me to even think that my brother, Doran, would order the killing of a young innocent girl but she was Tywin Lannister’s prized possession. After the killing of Elia we never interacted with the Lannisters until Tyrion visited us but Lord Tyrion was not like the other Lannisters, he was smart with a silver tongue and would make good leader but he was not like the other Lannisters. Tyrion proposed the offer of marriage between the two houses to strengthen the broken bonds between two powerful houses. I was surprised that Doran accepted the offer but then he told me about his true motive. I was to kill a woman, to return the pain that we went through and as I sat here staring at her I couldn’t think of killing such a beautiful woman. Her brown hair covered with the silk jeweled hood, her tan skin not belonging to the Lannisters and her innocence radiating off of her in waves of pure.

I sighed looking away from her and as I started to walk away I heard her soft voice call out to me.

“Prince Oberyn?” Tamina asked turning to face me.

“Yes Princess?” I answered looking up at her.

“You plan on killing me don’t you. You never had a true thought of caring for me only revenge?” She said sending waves of shock over my body.

“What makes you think that?” I asked my voice shaking.

“Tyrion told me the story of how your sister Elia Martell, who was married to Rhaegar Targaryen, was murdered and raped under the orders of my father,” She said stepping closer to me. “Kill me and you lose all the secrets of the Lannisters, I know every dirty secret and I will gladly give them to you if you kill Tywin, Cersei, and Jaime,” Tamina said touching my arm softly.

“You aren’t as innocent as we are all lead to believe are you?” I asked surprised by the sudden change in her attitude.

“I am a Lannister after all but I hate all Lannisters except Tyrion, I want them dead and to pay for all the pain they have caused, yours and mine. You know my mother was a whore from Dorne my father got pregnant and took her with him to Casterly Rock. He says he loved her but I don’t believe him not really, he just wanted her child to gain leverage. I know my sister ordered the assassination of my mother but I believe it was my father who told her to do it,” Tamina explained as I stared at her.

“You aren’t a Lannister are you?” I asked looking into her eyes.

“No, I never belonged,” She sighed turning away from me.

“I can’t kill you, and I know that if I did my brother Doran wouldn’t be able to forgive himself for ordering it,” I sighed leaning against the railing next to her.

“So I will give you the secrets in return I get my life and revenge?” Tamina asked looking out over the sea.

“With you becoming apart of House Martell nothing will be able to stop the wrath of the Martells,” I said staring at her beauty.

“You still wish to marry?” She asked in surprise snapping her head to me.

“Even more now that I know you truly don’t care for the well being of your family,” I smiled touching touching face. “I will however have to talk with my brother but he will eagerly take these secrets you have, and I’m sure he will accept you into the family as you are no lion,” I continued brushing some hair out of her face before removing the cover from her head. “You won’t have to hide yourself here,” I whispered as we leaned in closer.

“What if other men take notice of me,” She whispered staring into my eyes.

“Everyman knows to stay away from the Red Vipers prize,” I said before pressing my lips softly against hers. She was tentative at first tensing up against the kiss before she relaxed wrapping her arms around my neck pulling her body up towards mine. It was easy to tell that in the sense of sex she was still innocent but she was also a quick learner. The rest of the trip was quiet Tamina curiously watched the scenery around her change until she was surrounded with deserts.

We landed and quickly walked off the ships and through the streets of Sunspear. The people stared in wonder at Tamina as we walked towards the castle. The doors opened to the castle as we walked up the steps Tamina’s gold dress following her closely. We walked through the grand hall until we reached an outside area where I lead her to a seat. “Sit here and relax the trip was long. I will go and retrieve my brother and I will be back in one moment,” I told her kissing her hand softly and walking away.

I walked towards my brothers room opening the door and stepping inside the large room. “Ah my brother I see you have returned, with good news I presume,” Doran smiled hugging me.

“I have news yes but not what you hoped. You see the princess is not as innocent as everyone was thought to believe. On the way here she asked me if I was going to kill her, it shocked me, but then she continued to explain that if I did not kill her she would give me the Lannister secrets and the death of her family,” I explained as he looked up at me.

“She knew you were to kill?” He asked slightly shocked.

“She assumed so yes, she had known of the death of Elia and knew it was her fathers fault,” I explained.

“And why does she want her family dead?” Doran asked walking towards the door.

“For the murder of her mother, their betrayal, and them preying on the weak,” I said as we walked towards the area Tamina sat in.

“She seems very interesting, I would like to hear these secrets and if they are great enough we will continue with the wedding,” Dorne said before walking through the door.

“Good day Lady Tamina Lannister,” Dorne smiled sitting across from her as I stood in the doorway. 

“Lord Martell I presume,” She said as Doran kissed her hand.

“Yes, I am Doran Martell. And my brother has told me you can give me information in return for your life and revenge,” Doran said leaning back in his chair.

“Yes Prince Doran, I have some information that when the time comes can be used to bring down the Lannisters off of the royal chair,” Tamina explained the sun radiating off of her skin.

“Please tell me of these secrets princess,” Doran pushed.

“The prince, next in line for the throne, cannot actually wear the crown for he is a bastard child, not the blood of Robert Baratheon,” Tamina said softly strain directly at my brother who froze.

“Who is the father then?” Doran asked not looking away.

“Jaime Lannister.”

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