Chapter 2 - The Time Has Come

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You Are No Lion

Chapter 2 - The Time Has Come

I awoke the next morning to Lyra’s soft shakes. “It is time to wake up, I have to get your ready for your feast and then your departure,” Lyra said as I groaned.

“I don’t want to leave,” I mumbled as I sat up my hair falling in my face.

“I know but it is what has to be done or your sister will be enraged,” Lyra sighed as she helped me into my golden silk dress. I looked at myself in the mirror admiring the expensive dress as it laid perfectly over my body. “Sit Tamina, so I can fix your hair. How would you like it today?” Lyra asked as she started brushing out my hair.

“I would like to put the golden head piece on, I think the Dorne would like it,” I said looking around the nearly empty room.

“I think Oberyn will enjoy it more than anyone, it makes you look like a goddess,” Lyra smiled as she placed the jewelry on my head laying it softly over my hair.

“Well let’s get ready for a new life,” I sighed standing and walking over to the door with Lyra following closely.

“Don’t be melodramatic,” Lyra said as she walked beside me.

“I can’t help it I’m being sent away to an unknown place to me married and produce children,” I spoke out looking at Lyra.

“Always think it could be worse you could have been sent to marry someone in the North and you would be stuck in the cold weather,” Lyra smiled as shook my head.

“At least he wouldn’t have eight bastard children.”

“Look at the bright side, you have me and now you will gain eight children who will probably love you, you will never be alone again,” Lyra smiled as the guards pushed open the doors to the dining all. Everyone looked up from their plates and stood as I walked into the room. I smiled and nodded to the people I knew as my friends and family, the only people that saw my face. Tyrion sat at the end next to my father and beside tyrion was Oberyn who smiled wider than anyone else. Lyra lead me to the empty seat next to Oberyn before she took hers across from me.

“You look more beautiful than the goddesses themselves,” Oberyn whispered kissing my hand delicately.

“Thank you Prince Oberyn, that is very kind of you. You look very handsome yourself,” I blushed not looking into his black eyes.

“I would like to propose a toasted,” My father said standing up from the head of the table, “I would like to toasted the unity of our two houses and the safety of my daughter in Sunspear. Protect her well Prince Oberyn or you will feel the wrath of a lion on your back,” My father said as I smiled at him. “After this feast is over we will see my youngest child off to a new place where she will be protected from the harm of the outside worlds and she will help combine the houses of Lannister and Martell. Do well my child and don’t forget where you came from,” My father finished turning to me.

“You can never stop being a lion, even if you wanted to,” I smiled raising my wine glass as the rest of the people. The rest of the feast went on with Tyrion’s toast and lots of best wishes. When we finished Oberyn, my father, and Tyrion lead me to the ships we would be sailing to Sunspear on.

“I’m going to miss you little sister,” Tyrion smiled looking up at me. “You were always my favorite,” He added.

“And you mine big brother but alas others are rude and full of hatred so I must be sent away to a foreign land,” I sighed hugging him.

“I will visit,” Tyrion promised releasing me.

“We will also come here and visit,” Oberyn said placing a hand on the small of my back. I smiled at him as my father stepped forward.

“Take care of her Martell, she is young and beautiful never touched by the horrors of the worlds,” My father said as he lifted up my chin.

“Trust me, she will never leave my sight,” Oberyn replied.

“Goodbye father, I will miss you,” I said hugging him.

“I will miss you too, take care,” My father waved as Oberyn, Lyra, and I boarded the ships.

“Does it scar you to go to a new place?” Oberyn ask as I looked out over the railing at the sea.

“More than anything. I haven’t been outside the walls of Casterlyrock in years. It is a scary thought to be alone in a new place. At least I have Lyra,” I smiled looking at him.

“And me now,” He smiled kissing my forehead. “You will enjoy Sunspear and the castle, I promise,” Oberyn smiled.

“I am not afraid of me enjoying your home Prince Oberyn, but I fear that you will not enjoy my company,” I admitted looking at my hands.

“Why would I not enjoy the company of a sweet, beautiful princess?” Oberyn whispered against my ear.

“You have eight children and have experience with many pleasure, what if I do not please you correctly?” I blushed.

“It is not about my pleasure but yours.” Oberyn replied smiling at my innocence.

“My pleasures?” I looked up into his dark eyes.

“I am here to give to you, to please you, to make you feel happy,” He whispered before pressing his lips softly against mine.

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