Chapter 5 - The Wedding

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You Are No Lion

Chapter 5 - The Wedding

“My Lady Lannister, today is a day of true celebration,” Lyra giggled pulling strands of hair away from my head..

“It doesn’t seem that exciting,” I sighed looked over myself. I wore an off-white Dornish style dress with a gold bodice embellished with jewels down the center. The straps were in a rope style and attached to them were pieces of cloth that fell softly off my shoulders. I had a silk off-white cloak with lace edges wrapped around my shoulders covering what the dress left uncovered. As I sat in my seat Lyra and a Dornish chambermaid wove jewels into my hair.

“You are so beautiful my Lady. No man in Dorne will be able to take his eyes off of you,” Lyra sighed finishing the last jewel.

“I agree, she is more beautiful than any of Oberyn’s paramours were,” The other handmaid smiled slipping on my golden slippers. I stood up lifting the hood over my hair and flattening out the wrinkles on my dress. There came a soft knock on my door followed by Doran the ruler of Sunspear.

“Are you ready Lady Tamina,” Prince Doran asked holding his hand out towards me.

“I am my prince. Thank you for escorting me,” I smiled wrapping my arm around his as he lead me to the large courtyard the wedding was taking place in. My handmaids soon followed us to the event.

“It is very surprising to see Oberyn becoming tied down to one woman, he is very flirtatious,” Doran laughed.

“Yes I noticed that,” I smiled as the courtyard came into view. White flowers were flying threw the air ahead of us.

“Have you met his children yet?” Doran asked stepping onto the while cloth leading down the isle.

“No my prince I will be meeting them for the first time tonight,” I answered holding my head high ready to face the people of my new home.

“I think they will enjoy you. Don’t worry much just enjoy tonight, leave all the worry behind and know you are safe and that we welcome you into our family,” Doran finished as we stepped out onto the white cloth. I smiled scanning the crowd as everyone threw white petals around and cheered. I looked towards Oberyn who also wore white clothes, his embroidered with suns and had hits of gold. Oberyn smiled widely and took my hand once I reached the end of the walkway. 

“You look beautiful my princess,” Oberyn whispered kissing my hand delicately. 

“I do understand that on this day we are uniting Prince Oberyn of house Martell and Lady Tamina of house Lannister,” The minister wedding us spoke is voice silencing the crowd. “Do you Prince Oberyn have the gift of the sun to give?” The minister asked holding out his hand.

Oberyn nodded before reaching around his neck removing a necklace shaped like a sun with a spear going through it. The center of the sun was a beautiful orange jewel that sparkled in the sunlight.

“Thank you,” The minister nodded taking the necklace and placing it around my neck. He turned and grabbed a piece of yellow ribbon before turning to face us again. “Place your hands together,” The minister ordered as I gently placed my hands in Oberyn’s. “In the sight of the Seven, I hereby see you these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words,” The minister said as he wrapped our hands together with the ribbon.

“Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother Maiden Crone. I am his/hers, and she/he is mine, from this day, till the end of my days,” Oberyn and I spoke together staring into each others eyes.

“Now kiss!” The minister laughed as the crowed cheered. Oberyn leaned into me softly pressing his lips against mine. I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck. We broke apart and looked to the crowd who celebrated the marriage.

“You have done well my brother and we must truly thank Lord Tyrion for arranging this grand marriage,” Doran said patting Oberyn on the shoulder.

“Yes we must, but tonight is full of celebrations we can talk of work later,” Oberyn said as he started walking me back down the isle towards the other courtyard where we would eat dance and receive gifts.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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