A Night Not To Remember

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You could hear footsteps crunching on the leaves and the wind picking up. About half of the party approximately 60 people moved to the forest. I was looking around the forest and in my own head. A few people were carrying lighters and beers. I wondered if the rumours about the murdered were true, and all I knew for sure was that last year two students from my university went missing on Halloween and were never found.

"Hey Aja," said a creepy, whispering voice and I jumped up. "It's just me. Wow you really got spooked," chuckled Jaxon. "No. I was just startled I didn't expect you," I laughed. "Sure. You were just startled not scared," replied Jaxon flirting with me. Jaxon and I talked for a little bit until a senior named Sierra decided to barge into our conversation and steal Jaxon away. After she barged in, I left and walked back to my friends. As we walked I realized It was further than I thought. The fraternity and housing kept getting further and further away. I eventually checked the distance from the fraternity/college housing and it was at minimum a mile and a half away.

"That was far away," I said placing the firewood down. "Yeah. Definitely my exercise for the day," said Phoebe a tall, Swedish, sophomore laughing. After we settled down, someone played music and some people drank beer. "Woooooo!!!," shouted a couple guys from the fraternity as they ran around and acted like they were high on drugs which they probably were to be honest.

"Want a lemonade?," asked Jaxon kindly. "Sure. Thank you," I replied staring at the constellations in the sky. I sat down on a log and was kind of nervous, so I decided to help with the fire. After starting the bonfire, my anxiety calmed down as we could see a little better. "Here you go," said Jaxon handing me the drink. "Thanks!," I replied smiling and feeling my heart pound when he got close to me. My friends decided to leave me alone with him and that didn't feel like the best decision because I felt like he might think I was a lunatic. Sometimes I get really silent around people I'm nervous and avoid eye contact so this would be fun.

      "Amazing constellations right? You can see Perseus and Orion's belt," said Jaxon with knowledge of astronomy. "Yeah and Andromeda and a little bit of the Aurora borealis," I said adding on. Maybe he mentioned that consolation on purpose or just because, but Perseus is meant to have a love story with Andromeda.

I was so focused on Jaxon's dreamy chocolate brow eyes that I didn't realize that I drank a whole lemonade that tasted weird until later. "Hey wait. Jaxon this lemonade tastes weird. You said it was just lemonade right?," I asked kind of suspicious. "Yeah. It should be. You just drank the whole thing," he said thinking. "There's a sip left if you want to try?," I asked thinking I probably shouldn't of asked that. That's weird. "Sure. Why not?," he said and took a sip. "Oh great. This tastes like it has vodka or whiskey in it. Sorry I didn't know. You just kept drinking it and I assumed it was fine," he said looking sorry. " it's not your fault, I don't know it's just like so lost in thought that I didn't realize till later that it tasted weird," I said laughing. "It's not okay if someone put alcohol in your drink without letting you know. I'm gonna go talk to the fraternity guys," said Jaxon, a good man.

       Even though I appreciated gentleman I kind of wanted to stand up for myself instead. " hey Jackson I'll go talk to them instead but thank you," I said walking over to them. " hey Josh you didn't happen to put any alcohol in this lemonade right? Y'all said earlier that it was just lemonade," I said sort of angrily but keeping my cool. Josh responded with in a rude way saying, " it's not my problem if someone did." Josh was kind of a d*ck so what could I expect. It was probably vodka or whiskey and I've only had a few sips of alcohol before. I never planned on drinking and honestly I hoped that that night I would not of gotten drunk, but sometimes things don't go as planned.

After 20 minutes or so I could feel something definitely kicking in that was most of my worries went away. "Hey Kieeeshaaa!!! Heeyy world!!! Life is weeeird. I feel like a butterfly dancing in the spring," I said slurring my words and talking obnoxiously loud. "Aja are you drink?!," asked Kiesha shocked and laughing. "They said it was just lemonade bro!," I said laughing like a lunatic and not giving a hoot of what others thought. "Out of everyone. I would never guess Aja would be drunk," snickered Jung. "Hehee. I like Jaxon. He is so kewl and hawt," I said smiling and spinning in circles not knowing what I said could really haunt me. "Let's try to keep a eye on Aja," said Claire as chatted with her nerdy boyfriend Jake.

"Hey Jaxon. You are my crush like the drink. Haha! So funny!," I laughed like a weirdo. Jaxon laughed, "Oh my. I would've never given you that drink if I knew there was alcohol let alone vodka. That stuff is strong. You need to get home soon." I walked back over to my friends and I try to keep an eye on me but were occupied with conversations. I started to wander around the forest and skipped a lot. I even attempted a front flip which did not end well but ultimately I was fine.

As I was making my drunk journey throughout forest I noticed something a few feet away. I started hearing this weird Latin chants and actually made a smart decision to hide behind a tree. Then I took a video which might of not been this best idea. It looked like some of the fraternity guys for in this dark clothes in there were probably about five or six of them. and then I saw a stretcher and on it was something terrifying. They are on the stretcher lied Carl a first year. He had a giant gash on his neck and was clearly dead. I was drunk, but had some sense in my mind and I knew I had to get out of there. What the heck was going on? Was it true about the human sacrifices?

      I noticed that I must have gone somewhat far away from the bonfire, because I count see the giant light it made anymore. They were doing this ritual near a fire so everyone and everything was amplified. Maybe it was a prank, I thought. But then suddenly they placed down the body and started drinking blood from Carl's neck. Carl was a d bag but wow this was intense. I quickly realized that this was no prank. What the heck were they vampires?

      How the heck could I get back to the party? My vision was blurry, I couldn't walk in a straight line, and most of all I was lost. I tried to walk away slowly in the direction I thought was the party. Maybe I could make it while they feasted on his blood. I quietly or as I thought quietly tiptoed back. Without warning I fell down down and made a loud enough sound to alert one of the vampire frat boys. Alejandro ran at me full speed and had bright red eyes with sharp, pointy, long teeth. My heart skipped a full beat and I ran like no other.

      Hopefully cross country would pay off. I kept running and running until I could not keep going. Alejandro looked demonic and I was terrified. I hid behind a tree once again, quietly panting as I heard his foot steps.

        "Come out. Come out where ever you are Aja," he said in a voice that sounded possessed. I could feel my heart race and could hear my thoughts in my head silently telling me this will  be the day I die. What I didn't know was I was recording the whole thing without realizing I didn't press the stop button. If this was the end, there would hopefully be proof of what happened to me well unless it got destroyed.

       All of a sudden Alejandro shouted, "Boo!," I screamed so loud that it felt as if the forest might shake. He was about to bite my neck when I kid you not a freaking werewolf comes and bites his neck. There I saw the blood squirting from Alejandro's neck and it did not stop. He was definitely not going to live. Could this night I might not remember get any weirder?, I thought.

      Why would a werewolf save my from a f**king werewolf? Like what the H*ll? The werewolf snarled and looked at me like it knew me. Then it opened up its mouth and suddenly bit my leg. I yelped. Was it going to eat me? Strangely the bite only drew a little blood and left a medium sized mark. After it bit me, it ran off and most likely scared away the other vampires.

      In shock I ran back to the place where I saw a flame and was right where I needed to be. Once I got there I quickly collapsed and everyone surrounded me. I was told by others that once I got back somewhat cut up they called off the party and Jaxon carries me back to my dorm.

      Apparently no one but myself knew what happened. What about the vampire fraternity boys? I couldn't remember the faces that clearly from that night. My friends thought that maybe I was so drunk that I just fell, but no I didn't just fall and the video I had would potentially prove that.

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