Chapter 1: Livadora

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That is what i feel right now. No feeling, just cold. Everything is white and covered in snow. It's 5 in the morning in New York. December here is amazingly cold. It's even worse when your heater stops working in the middle of the night. Out of all the places out there my dad had to choose this location to meet me. But I might have expected this. Number of people in New York increases immensely near the end of December due to the craze of watching the new years ball drop live. Frankly, i would rather stay at home and watch it live on television on a couch and covered in blankets rather then freeze my ass off till midnight. This way no one can easily find us. This way we are safe.

My dad is a secret agent for area 51 or 52 or whichever number they're using now. Actually i don't know for sure because they don't really tell that stuff out in the open but i think I'm closer to the truth than him saying that he is actually a research scientist for a very big organization called Zeta. Sure, I can just believe that he was a scientist but scientists don't come home with a bandaged up bullet hole on their back.

When i was young my father didn't tell me everyday bed time stories for kids. He used to tell me stories about unimaginable things like people with the power to teleport through time and such. He didn't expect me to remember or make much out of these stories but i did the exact opposite. Some i have forgotten over the years but there is one that no matter how much i try to forget i just cant. Maybe because of what happened on that night.

I reluctantly got up from my bed and went strait for the bathroom where i turned on the hot water and let it fill the tub. After a few seconds the bathroom got warmer and I felt a little bit better. The house was not too big, but it had a feeling of home. I should take some pictures later so i don't forget. This will be the sixth house me and my dad will have met in the the past 6 years. It has gotten easier not asking questions and just going with the flow, without feeling scared or doubtful. I trust my dad wholly and completely and he does the same. I think that's what got us this far, our mutual trust for each other.

After a long warm bath i took a look inside the wardrobe. As always there were new clothes and it was all my size. I choose a grey pullover with little sprinkles of gold and black jeans. There were scarves too so i choose a white knitted one. There was a collection of boots and converse and after taking a very long time to choose I chose a pair of black boots with fur at the collar. I could take whatever I wanted in the wardrobe. My father and I don't really have the time for shopping. Whenever we met there was always a wardrobe that was filled with clothes my size and those would be my new clothes for the year. I thought they were normal clothes until later when my friends saw them and said that they must be pretty expensive because they weren't in any nearby department stores.

I fixed up my strait black hair into a single braid and let it fall over my right shoulder and went towards the kitchen. There was cheerios and i took it without another glance into the pantry. I took the milk from the fridge and heated it in the microwave. I looked at my watch and it read 6:45. Dad would be here soon. I took the milk and the cheerios box and went to the couch. I turned on the TV and and started changing the channels while dumping cheerios into my bowl. When the news channel came up I was about to change it when i glanced at the video they were showing. I turned on the sound and the pretty news lady was saying," People were shocked when they saw the video of a young man disappear in the middle of night yesterday on YouTube. This video became famous overnight and some people are saying that the video is actually real. The young man who disappeared is yet to be found. So is the person who took the video." A picture of them flashed onto the screen. The person who took the video was a girl who was probably my age, 17. The young man looked the same age too but boy was he good looking. He had black hair and emerald green eyes. He was smiling and had these perfect white teeth and a dimple on his cheek. He looked like he worked out often as his body, whatever was showing, was toned with a little muscle. He was probably in a school team or something. I couldn't stare at his face for a little longer because they took it off after 5 seconds as if they were saying, " C'mon, don't ogle the lost kid". The image of the boy stayed in my head as I changed the channel but after some time I starting thinking about the disappearance itself. How can someone just disappear? The video didn't have much clarity as it was dark but under a street lamp you could see him standing and saying something when suddenly he disappears. Not with a boom or anything. Hes there one second and then he's gone the next . It reminded me of a story that my dad once told me.

When I was eleven years old my dad and I used to live together. He used to stay away from home for sometime saying he had to go abroad for some work for a month or two but when he came back and was home his attention was solely on me. On the last night of those happy days he told me a story about places on earth where people just suddenly disappear. He said,"Nobody knows where they go but they never come back but at the same exact time that they disappear someone else who was missing comes back to earth. They would be found on the opposite part of the earth were they were found. At first they didn't realize it as most of them would fall back on earth and drown in the middle of the ocean".When he thought I was asleep he stopped telling me about it and tucked me in. I woke up in the middle of the night after dreaming of disappearing from earth and finding myself in a land full of chocolate because I had to go to the bathroom. When I went to the bathroom I was surprised to find that the light was on and there was someone inside grunting. When I looked thought the small crack light streaming out of the door which was meant to be closed I saw my dad sitting on the floor surrounded by tissue paper covered in blood. There was a hole on his back that looked like it could fit one of my fingers and blood streaming out of it and staining a fresh tissue paper that my dad held below the wound. I could have gone away and pretended I didn't see anything but the sight of my dad bleeding, or anything bleeding for that matter makes me want to go and help them. I opened the door and my father jumped up alert and ready to strike. When he saw that it was me it wasn't relief that washed thought his features, it was fear. With one swift movement he pushed me out and slammed the door at he same time before I even realized what he had done. After two minutes he came out and and I saw that the bathroom was cleaned up and nobody would believe that minutes ago the floor was covered with toilet paper drenched in blood. He got me into a jacket and made me wear shoes. When I tried asking him what was going on he just put a finger to my lips and tried hugged me tightly. Something was wrong,. I had seen something that I wasn't suppose to see, even my eleven year old self knew this. We rushed into the cold night and walked into the-

The memory was cut off when the door bell rang. I checked my watch and it saw that it was exactly 7:15. Before looking through the key hole i knew my dad was standing on the other side of the door. He's never late.

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