Chapter 10: Livadora

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I woke up with my eyes gazing at a blurry concrete ceiling. "Where am I?" I asked myself as I looked around, blinking repeatedly to make my vision clearer. There was a window to my left, but it was too high for me to look through. I doubt that I would be able to look anyways as the light coming through it had already blinded my eyes and I started blinking rapidly all over again. I looked in the other directions but nothing else but concrete wall surrounded me. There were little holes and scratches on the walls as they were made by bullets and blades. There was specks of red on one wall and I quickly shook away the thought that it might be blood to not freak myself out even more in this freakishly scary situation.

I asked myself, "what am I doing here?" It felt warm, a tad bit too warm for comfort. I was wearing some kind of itchy blanket, as if the heat wasn't enough to warm me up. I tried to move my arms but they felt as heavy as lead. My legs felt the same way and I felt utterly helpless. I turned around to find myself staring into a pair of emerald green eyes that I didn't realise were there when I was looking around before. They were staring back at me with curiosity. Surprisingly, I found myself wondering,"You're here, she was right." Suddenly doubt surged into my mind,"Who am I? Who is she? Who's the green eyed dude?" I looked around again trying to get a better idea of where I am. I wanted to get up and look out the window to see the outside. I wanted to move. I turned around to the boy sitting next to me and tried to ask him,"Am I alive?" But the only word that was audible was 'alive'. He opened his mouth like he was about to answer when a dark completioned man walked in. He was looking at me in a way that, for some reason was familiar and annoyed me at the same time. "Awake? What's your name then love?" As he said the words he swooped down beside me and grabbed my unmoving hand. "Your hitting on her as soon as she wakes up? And her name is Liv", said the green eyed boy. Liv? Is that my name? Does he know who I am? "It's a pleasure to meet ya. Lets get to know eachother better after you get to know everything else better, save the best for last." he winked at me and I felt like gagging but my face betrayed me by not moving a single muscle. As he got up he told the boy in a serious tone,"You know the drill." It was as if he was someone else altogether. We were both watching him as he walked forward, took a left and dissappeared behind another concrete wall which I hadn't noticed before.

The boy turned around and looked at me again. He could hardly be called a boy. He had a lean muscly body and he was a bit tanned. He had black hair that was badly in need of a haircut. I was trying to figure out where I had seen him before when he suddenly started talking. "You probably have a lot of questions. Where am I? Who am I? Who are you? Well, its actually easier to show you most of the answers. But first off, my name is Jay. I'll be helping you get adjusted to your new life here. But this also depends on your cooperation-Are you even listening to me?" I had turned around and started looking at the light coming from the window. I didn't want be this weak and helpless, especially in front of people who I don't even know. I tried moving my arms again but they didn't budge. Jay suddenly lifted me up, blanket and all, and took me to the window, which was actually what I wanted.

At first all I could think of was his chest being to close to my face but I forgot everything when I saw the view.
It was a clear sky and the sun was shining bright, too bright. It took a while for me to get adjusted to the light, but when I did, I could just see dry land that stretched in every direction. We were above ground and, from what I could make out, this was probably the second or third floor. But what shocked me the most was a large white wall that seemed to stretch on forever into the distance. "That's The Wall. It's what seperate Us and Them. You'll get to know about it later. You'll freak out if I tell you now" He turned away from the window and bent down with me, laying me down in a sitting position against the wall. "Wait here, I'll get you something to eat." He disappeared in the direction the other guy went and I was left alone, staring at the dimming light of the sun.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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