○ Milk, cookies and a cold ○

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~ Fluff. Sans ' adopted ' Flowey in this.

Flowey sniffles as he hides his face in the space between his arms and his chest, shivering as his hand touches the cold window. He groans, then sighs loudly.

Oh, he hates winter so much.

It makes his weak soul freeze whenever he's outside, it gives him colds and fevers, and the biggest problem, it's deadly to him. A flower can't just stay in the snow for so long, with no sun, no rain, nothing to bring him life, only wind and ice. And although the house he's in is warm and cozy, the freezing nature still comes on, still hits the boy's skin.

He glances at Papyrus, who's talking to Undyne through the phone, laughing, too. Flowey wishes he could be like him; unable to feel so cold that his body doesn't stop shaking. Beside, the skeleton is so skinny that he can wear many layers without looking fat at all. The blonde boy can't. Not only he needs more, but during cold seasons, he craves sweets, can't help it. Beside, he has some issues with self-confidence, and would rather wear a light jacket and tremble than look heavy.

Sans stays outside all day, selling hot chocolate and warm cakes everywhere in the Underground. No matter how freezing it is outside, the man puts on a hat, gloves, a scarf, a warm coat and runs outside, being late. He only comes when it's dark outside, around five in the afternoon; good thing Alphys created a moon and a sun for everyone. Still, the sun is covered by clouds. Somehow she did this too, and although it does look good, it's annoying when heat and light are needed.

Flowey rubs his forehead against his arm and gets up, feeling like eating a cookie; nothing brings up the mood of a man more than this.

He accidentally bumps into Papyrus and mumbles an apology. The tall boy didn't even notice, too busy giggling with his best friend. Flowey makes his way to the warm kitchen and opens the pot that's supposed to contain the cookies.

Supposed to.

"...Did I already...? " Flowey softly hits his head against the wall, holding the pot against his belly.

This day is just hell.

" Papyrus ? " He calls, getting out of the kitchen. The man glances at him, tilting his head to the side. " I'm going outside for a bit. "

" Oh! Undyne, hang on. " Papyrus places the phone on the table and opens the closet, which is right next to the front door. " Okay little one, you have to be careful outside. Remember, you're a flower, and flowers don't like winter. You must take a big coat like... This one! " He grabs a brown and beige coat, then hands it to his adopted son, not even looking at him as he keeps talking. " And a scarf! Purple is good for you, you'll look adorable. And are you sure a hoodie and jeans are enough ? I mean, you're already sick, what if it gets dangerous ? Where are you going anyway ? I hope you're not planning on running off too far away, you know you have to stay close to the house in case something happens. I mean, I can always help you. Do you have your phone ? Just-- "

" Thanks, Paps. " Flowey cuts him off, smiling.

He puts the pot on the floor and huffs as he closes the big and heavy coat. It's suffocating, but at least it'll keep him warm. He then wraps the violet scarf around his neck and hides his mouth and nose with it. Papyrus hands him a pair of gloves, but the boy shakes his head negatively; the pot might slip off his hands and break, he doesn't want it to happen. He pats the pocket of his jeans, nodding as he feels his phone in it.

" I'm just going to buy some cookies. I'll be back soon, if anything happens, I'll give you a call. "

Papyrus smiles and pulls the blonde boy in his arms for a quick and gentle hug, then opens the door for him.

The cold wind hits Flowey's face and he groans at it, visibly unhappy about the weather. He nods at Papyrus and slowly walks in Snowdin, feeling his feet sinking in the snow at each step he takes. He glances at the path that leads to the ruins, sighing as he sees dark clouds; a storm is coming, and will probably assault the town in twenty minutes.

Sans told him that he was in the Waterfall; caves are even colder than the outside, and he has to make sure everyone is alright there, as the water might freeze and become ice, trapping its inhabitants in.

When he passes next to a bench, Flowey stops walking and carefully sets the pot on the wooden bench. He grabs his phone and earphones, and plays some music; he has only four songs, all from Mettaton. They're the only calm and cute ones he ever did, and they're the only ones the boy likes. The soft beat in his ears gives him a bit of energy, making him walk faster than before, despite that his body is literally freezing.

He reaches the waterfalls after fifteen minutes, and as he enters the cave, he immediately smells the chocolate. He smiles and almost runs to the stand.

Sans is tapping on the small table, but stops as he hears the footsteps. He looks up to see his adoptive son standing in front of him, face red from the low temperature and the running, body wildly shaking as he sets the empty pot on the counter. Flowey pulls gold from his pocket and slams his hand on the table, tearing up.

" Kid ? Why are you here ? " Sans frowns, surprised to see the boy here. " I thought you wanted to stay home ? "

" U-Um... Just wanted to buy some cookies... " Flowey mutters.

" Oh shoot. I'm so sorry, I wanted to take some home yesterday but I forgot and... " Sans grits his teeth and opens a drawer. " Aw man, I hope you won't get sick because of me... " He takes a pot and fills it up with cookies. " Free for you kid. "

" What ? Come on, at least take some. It's my money anyway, and I have nothing to buy. "

Sans sighs and takes the gold; he's just going to give it back later, when Flowey's not looking. He then cups the boy's cheeks with his warm hands, examining his face. Just as he expected - and feared, his veins are already showing, which isn't a good thing. He can't let him go home on his own, especially considering that no one's outside today.

He takes his bag and puts in the food and drinks he's been selling. " 'Lright kid, let's go home together. "

Flowey looks at him with wide-open eyes. " But your job ? "

" Money isn't as important as my son. " Son replies, zipping up his coat. " Come on. " He holds the now heavy pot in his left arm, and keeps Flowey's hand in his own.

The blonde boy blushes, still not used to be called son. It's only been a few months after all. But he happily nods, going back home with the man.

And just as he feels like he's going to collapse, Sans opens the front door and gently pushes him in the house. Flowey yelps, but sighs in relief as he feels the warmth taking over his body again. Papyrus gasps as he sees the boy, and immediately wraps his arms around his shoulder.

" Sweetheart, go in your room. " He smiles, ruffling Flowey's hair.

The boy hesitantly nods and and obeys, taking off his coat and scarf while walking.

Papyrus sprints upstairs to take all the blankets he and his brother have, along with pillows. He then runs to Flowey's room, startling the young man as he comes in without knocking. Sans slowly follows him, stretching his back as he enters the room.

Papyrus claps his hands as Flowey tries to survive in the sea of blankets his friend just threw on the bed. " Brother! Since the little flower boy is cold, I thought we could sleep with him! "

Both Sans and Flowey's eyes widen as they look up at him.

" The bed is too small, bro. "

" You know I can totally give you my cold if you do that. "

" Who cares ? " Papyrus shrugs, trying to make the bed comfy. " Beside, my health is perfect. I can take care of both of you! "

The cheering coming from Papyrus make both of the men nod, giving in.

They all lie in bed with cookies and milk next to it, Flowey between his father and best friend. Although he tries to hide it, he's obviously happy about it.

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