~~ Heroes ~~

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~ Not humanized. Not friendship, not romance. Angst, feels, cursing, death. I'm so sorry.

No more reset was available. Because the main source of resets, the little human with brown hair, was nothing more than dust, powder that could so easily fly away and vanish with the rest of the souls.

There weren't a lot of monsters left. Just two of them, actually. One had golden, messy petals and sparkly tears in his eyes, the other had a horrifying smile carved onto her face, red eyes wide open as she held the knife tighter in her small hand. She had no idea if everyone else was dead, she just knew one of them was more problematic than the others. After all, killing your brother isn't an easy thing to do.

" W-Wait. " Flowey awkwardly smiled. " We can talk this out. Right ? "

He felt stupid for starting all of this in the first place. He wanted to be a God, wanted to prove to everyone that he was powerful enough to make them regret their sins. But truth caught up to him rather quickly, and before he could process what was happening, his parents were dead and he was almost begging his little sister to spare him. It was humiliating. Worst thing was, he had no idea how to reset. It seemed so easy with Frisk, he never had concerns such as How do I even do this ? What if one day we can't reset anymore ? But turned out the human was important after all.

Chara took a few steps forward, slowly, her grin growing wider and wider.

Flowey considered hiding in the dirt and traveling to a place far away from the castle, where he could think of another solution - but no plans were made, as Chara tore one petal off him, obtaining a scream filled with pain and fear.

" I should feed you buttercups. " Chara gritted her teeth.

Surely she was referring to that time she almost killed Asgore, but still, it seemed to have a completely different meaning considering who Flowey was.

" You fucked up piece of trash. Fuck you. " Flowey spat at her, doing quite a great job at keeping his tears in. " I died for your damn dream and this is how you're going to thank me ? "

" You could've fought back. I told you to do it. "

" Didn't tell me shit. "

Flowey closed his eyes and shuddered as he felt the familiar wind that was supposed to accompany an action - more or less like the movement of an arm ready to stab someone, which in that case, was him. He did feel the cold blade against his face, a part of him turning to dust, and it stopped. He believed he was dead, he was certain of it.

But then he opened his eyes to see... nothing.

Chara wasn't there anymore, he couldn't see her wide smile and red eyes staring at him. The knife wasn't to be seen either.

" To the waterfalls, now. " A voice whispered.

For just a second, Flowey thought he had seen someone standing in front of him. The someone vanished suddenly, and finally he could see Chara, on the floor. She was still moving, trying to get up, and the flower knew it wouldn't take too long before she succeeded. Following the someone's instructions, Flowey took a deep breath and disappeared in the ground. He traveled to the waterfalls as quickly as he could, hoping Chara hadn't heard the whisper, nor had set a trap there.

When he came out of the ground, he took a few seconds to wipe off the dirt and sweat.

" She's crazy, isn't she ? " The same voice as before asked, chuckling right after. " ...Man. This is a fucked up situation. "

" ... I know. " Flowey turned around, and his hopeful face soon turned into a grimace as he recognized the someone. " Well, thanks for saving me. Gotta go. "

" Wait hold up, we should think of a plan to reset or whatever. " The skeleton called. He took off his blue jacket and wrapped it around Flowey. " Gotcha. "

" Fuck off, I have no plans. " Flowey sighed. " We can't reset without Frisk. "

Sans tapped the bones of his hand against the dark blue stone that acted like a natural wall between the waterfalls and whatever was behind it - void, probably. He seemed to be thinking about a solution, trying so hard to have something to pop in his head. But of course, it was easier to have bad jokes sliding naturally out of his mouth than useful ideas. Flowey couldn't think of anything either, still unable to accept the fact that his little sister, his dear little sister, tried to kill him. He couldn't believe it. He was supposed to be the serial killer in the story, the infamous Flowey, fallen Prince who was seeking revenge. Chara was just supposed to stay in her grave.

" Well, we can just fight her. " Flowey ended up suggesting, as murder came to his mind like a reflex.  " I've got nothing to lose anyway. How about you ? "

Sans shook his head. He had lost his brother, the woman he loved, his friends. He had lost them all, watched them die. He shrugged, accepting his fate. Surely they wouldn't be able to fight and kill Chara, but at least they would try and die as heroes - despite having nobody to remember them.

" Alright, then, let's go back- "

" No need. "

Flowey and Sans both looked at each other in shock, then at the small girl walking toward them. Sans prepared a gaster blaster, wanting to end this already, to spend his whole energy so that he could fall asleep before being stabbed and avoid the pain of the knife in his body. Flowey huffed as he prepared white bullets, as many as he could.

But that was all in vain.

Chara had killed so many people. She took everything from Frisk. The attacks, as powerful as they were did nothing to her. It barely felt like a tickle, and the girl had fun teasing the two about how weak they were compared to her. Soon enough Sans felt tired and could barely throw bones at her.

He chuckled as Chara ripped his ribs out of his body, letting all the determination flow out of him. He wanted to get one last joke out, the best he could ever tell, but no word came out of his mouth as he watched Flowey being cut into pieces.

They did die as heroes - too bad the only one left to remember was their enemy.

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