○ mommy haunts me ○

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~ Father/Son relationship. Paranormal, inspired by the picture above - if you can't see, this is a dark image with a woman and a man, towel wrapped around head, in a lake. Angst and fluff.

" Daddy there's a woman in the lake. "

That was what Sans woke up to.

The small voice whispered this sentence while little hands were putting pressure on the bed. Sans opened his eyes to see his adopted son next to him, his big eyes sparkling with tears. The man got up, knowing the kid wouldn't leave him alone. He knew exactly how the whole thing would go: Asriel would refuse to go back to bed, and if he was forced, he would be unable to sleep and would end up screaming and crying. He's been doing this for a long time now. Every Saturday, he's been waking up at 3 in the morning. Sans was never really worried about it. He thought it was just a nightmare caused by Toriel and Asgore's deaths. The child was young, and Sans figured it would take some time to heal.

But this time though, he decided to check. He wanted to be left alone at night, wanted to rest. And the only solution for this was to make sure Asriel was okay.

" Alright kiddo... " He mumbled with a tired voice, sighing. " We're gonna see this woman and tell her to go home, 'kay ? " Asriel nodded. Without waiting for his father, he ran out of the room. Just a few seconds later, Sans heard the front door opening. It surprised him to see how quick the child was, and annoying that he didn't take the time to grab his jacket or put on his shoes. The man made his way to the living room, to see that the door was still open. " Azzy! Oh my God... " He yelled, more and more annoyed. Asriel was only eight years old, it worried Sans so much to let him go outside alone.

He followed, speeding up the pace until he reached the lake.

Asriel was there, standing at the edge of it and staring at the water. Sans ran to him and gave him his own jacket. He then glanced at the lake as well, following his son's gaze. There was nothing there, as he expected. Just the reflection of the moon and the clouds in the dark blue, cold liquid. They stayed like this for five minutes, the man not knowing what to do. When he decided to take a step backward, his back touched something hard and cold.

He looked behind him and suppressed a scream.

So that was the woman in the lake.

Except that she was standing with her two feet in the snow. Her pitch black eyes were staring at Sans, making him uncomfortable. Her white, long hair were floating in the wind, along with her mud-stained purple dress. She held in her hand the head of her husband, whose eyes were glassy. Listening to his instincts, Sans took Asriel in his arms and ran back to the house as fast as he could.

" Kid, close your eyes, please. " Asriel responded with a scream.

Along with the man's footsteps, both could clearly hear the woman running after them - The child even had the view with it. He watched as his mother sprinted closer and closer. Sans rushed in the house and slammed the door right behind him. He nervously grabbed the keys and locked the door while trying his best to keep it closed. The noises coming from the stairs both terrified them, and they turned their heads to see Papyrus.

" Brother ? What... " The knocks echoing in the house cut him off. It was like it came from all the windows and all over the walls.

" Daddy, she can't get in right ? " Asriel asked, hugging Sans tightly.

" No, she can't. " The man replied with a shaky voice, himself not convinced of what he was saying. " Bro, please stay with us. We all stay together. If... If she comes in, you go to Undyne with the kid while I try to distract her. "

The woman was still knowing, harder this time, so much that everyone feared that the windows would break. Papyrus made his way to the kitchen, and as quickly as he left, he came back with salt, muttering a That's out last chance. He sprinkled salt around the couch, near the windows and the doors. Getting the hint, Sans went to the couch and sat on it with his son still in his arms. The knocking didn't stop. In fact, they were now joined by loud sobs coming from the woman, and from a man - surely it was her husband's head crying for his death. The three boys stayed close to each other, so stressed that they felt like they were going to throw up. They sat for what felt like an eternity, until the sun finally lit up Snowdin.

Slowly, the noises stopped. They were reduced to just the front door, before vanishing. One last scream was heard, and the house was calm again.

" So... " Papyrus whispered. " I should go and warn Alphys about that ? "

Sans nodded. Now he knew that it wasn't just a nightmare, and he discovered who the woman was. It was no one else than Toriel, who drowned herself after murdering her husband, Asgore. It happened after their divorce, both wanted to keep Asriel. They fought every day, for months, not making any decisions. One day, Undyne came in the castle to see that Asgore had gone missing. So was Toriel. No one had found them since then, but there were rumors about a criminal in the Underground. Now the last thing they had to do was to take the bodies from the lake and prepare funerals, hoping it would calm the ghosts down.

Asriel was crying, face hidden in Sans's jacket. Sans smiled and hugged him. " ...Heh. Thank you for not being insane like them. " He mumbled, closing his eyes.

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