♥ 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 ♥

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Can someone give me a virtual hug please ? I'll hug back I promise

University AU + Humanized + Romance  + OOC Flo and Sans... Doesn't make any sense again, but I felt like writing gay fluff in a library. I tried my best to make it readable, I apologize for any mistakes I might make though. Enjoy, butterflies <3

The golden light of the setting sun went through the closed windows and filled the library.  Dust lingered in the air, floating like ghosts that couldn't make it to another world. A few books were left on the tables and the crimson carpet, tired from this long day, they stopped telling stories a few hours ago already. Only a few whispers broke the heavy silence; a few souls were still studying for the exams, others giggled, hidden by the wooden shelves. The woman in charge to take care of the library didn't pay attention to the occasional laughter, herself too tired to care any longer. It was a typical day of Autumn, the garden outside slowly fell asleep, just like most of the young adults.

One of them was already asleep. Flo's head rested on an open book about ghosts. His coffee has gotten cold already, left in the white cup. Folded and wrinkled sheets of paper were stuck under his arms, and a pen was right under his wrist, hurting him without him realizing it. The student had been in the library for two long hours, planning on studying Greek mythology. Unfortunately for him, he had found himself diving in ghost and murder stories. The spirits got the best of him and he couldn't fight the need to sleep. It did not matter if he missed the bus. The Kingdom of dreams, filled with the words he had seen just ten minutes ago, seemed way more appealing than the real world with its smiling faces and melodies. He was about to dance with a skeleton, when her husband violentely shook him, screaming his name.

He was very disappointed when he woke up, and the feeling worsened when he saw his classmate sitting next to him, his usual smirk plastered on his chapped lips.

" Oh, Sans. Why are you here. " He quietly spoke. " I thought you wanted to go home early today. "

Sans shrugged and grabbed his friend's book, slowly pulling it toward himself. " Oh, I... " He paused to a few words. " I felt sick, so I looked for you. "

" I'm not a nurse. " Flo replied, stretching his arms. He glanced at Sans and felt bad as he saw tears that threatened to fall. " ... But I guess I can try to help. "

" Thanks. "

He waited a little before giving the key to his heart, to the core of himself. He bit his lip, unsure. A crow tapped its beak against the gutter outside, giving the student company, sending him courage. Sans took a shaky breath and joined his hands together. "

" You'll have to let me finish before saying anything. " He received a nod and continued. " It's always like that in Autumn. My heart feels heavy, too heavy for me to carry. I don't have the strength to walk back home. The dying leaves remind me that although one new year has started, although we've been classmates for weeks already, I still can't help but bother you, and you keep thinking of me as a pure joke. Does that make sense ? "

He sighed and ruffled his own, dyed hair, hiding his face with the white strands. He nervously played with the book, ripped a small piece of a page about poltergeists. He glanced at the window to see that the crow was gone, leaving him all alone with his fears. Flo didn't reply, he was too busy trying to read between the lines and understand everything Sans told him.

Finally, he opened his mouth and spoke. "... I don't think of you as a joke. " He sipped some cold coffee and winced. " I just convinced myself that you liked to tease me hoping I'd get angry. But it's not your fault. I like having you around most of the time. "

" Most of the time. " Sans repeated.

The blonde guy giggled and nodded. " Of course. We all need time alone at some point. "

Sans shook his head. He gazed at his classmate and smiled. " Thanks. I needed that. "

The bell rang softly. They had to go, the school was going to close soon, and the librarian was going to kick everyone out and put the books back in their places to the tortured words of ancient stories could properly rest. Flowey stuffed his papers in his bag, along with the pen, and hid the book, hoping the middle-aged woman didn't see him. He quickly finished his coffee and put his cup in the pocket of his brown coat, not caring if it would be stained with coffee.

Sans followed him, and slowly, his hand found its way to Flo's. The blonde happily held it, as he wandered in the corridors. He didn't want to go home, and knew he couldn't leave Sans alone, not with his weak heart that could barely keep him alive.

They went unnoticed, running in corridors and ignoring the glares of the paintings. Flo stopped at a window and kissed Sans' hand.

" Does that make things easier, sir ? " He asked with a smirk on his lips.

Sans giggled and nodded. " Um, a little. "

He hesitated a little at first, but as he gazed into the man's eyes, Sans gained some confidence. It felt like flowers were slowly growing in his chest, they just needed a little warmth to bloom and show off their colorful petals. In a moment of daydream, he pressed his lips against Flo's and closed his eyes right after, refusing to see the harsh reality, if there was one.

The flower bloomed when Flo added some love and sugar to the kiss.

Instead of wrapping his arms around the partner's waist like other couples, he pinched his own wrist to see if it was a dream or not. He then wondered if it was a nightmare rather than a dream, he couldn't feel the lips against his. The previous touch was nothing but a ghost from the past, and he'd do anything to have it back.

Flo gazed at the ground, his cheeks were covered with pinkish dust, his eyes were hidden behind a blurry wall of tears and stars. As much as he wanted this, there was a limit between his thoughts and his actions, and he crossed it.

" So... yeah... " He murmured, unsure of what to say. " I guess we love each other ? "

Sans gulped and nodded. " I know I do love you. "

Flo sighed and took his classmate in his arms. He held him tight, resting his head on his shoulder. Happy tears rolled down his cheeks. Sans wrapped his arms around his new lover's waist and gripped his vest with one hand. His heart was wide open, it ached so much he wouldn't be surprised if blood was staining Flo's white shirt. His breath hitched when he heard footsteps.

The boys looked at each other in the eyes and Flo smiled. He grabbed Sans' hand and started running in the corridor. The big, wooden door leading outside was on the opposite side, and Sans quickly understood that they were going to play hide and seek with the adults. If they could hide the whole night in the building and go back in the library near one in the morning, they would have wonderful memories.

Oki d'okie I feel sick and sleepy so goodnight, I love you. <33

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