○ no more reset ○

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~ Friendship. Starts with angst but ends with fluuf.

" Enough. "

Flowey grits his teeth, his fists clenched by his sides.

Frisk takes a few steps back, terrified. Sure they had fought already, and... accidentally killed Toriel. This was a traumatic event, but how were they supposed to know that a single hit would murder her, all of a sudden ? They had no clue. After that, they encountered many monsters, and killed some of them, afraid they might die...

And this led them here; in front of the flower they met weeks ago, in the ruins.

And Flowey is nothing but rage, now. Hidden behind a wall, he watched his mother collapse, and despite not feeling any love for her, he felt terrible, and his heart sank in his body.

" I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do this! " Frisk screams, avoiding the bullets.

" I said that's ENOUGH. " Flowey's voice booms in the castle, startling the child. The sclera of his eyes turn red as his face contorts in anger and pain. " I don't want your fake apology! "

Vines tear the floor apart, almost making Frisk fall into the void that's hiding underneath it. They freeze in the air for a moment, then suddenly attack the child, ready to stab them over and over until their HP is completely out.  Frisk dodges everything, and prepares the knife they have, wanting to fight back. However, one of the vines enter the ceiling, tearing a part of the golden wall; and smashes it where the kid is.

Frisk barely has the time to run away from the spot, and a piece of rock hits their shoulder. They take the piece of pie and eat it while sprinting, regaining their lost HP.

" Now, thanks to the souls... " Flowey chokes out, tears rolling down his cheeks and blurring his vision. " I'll destroy you. I'll kill everyone. And I'll be a God. "

Both do not hear the footsteps of all the remaining monsters, rushing to the castle after hearing all this noise. They just keep fighting; although one of them clearly has the advantage. Frisk yelps as a bullet pierces their left side, making them bleed more than they expected. They try to stay determined, but...

Oh shit.

Sans, the human is in trouble!

Blood escapes Flowey's eyes as he becomes a real horror to Frisk's eyes. His mouth looks like it's been carved into a pumpkin, and horrific, thin and dead branches come out of his back.

Let me do this.

Ah-ah, you're only going to make it worse.

One of them finally takes the initiative to go and stop the two.

She runs toward them, and with her little army of spiders, she surrounds them.

" Guys, please! " Muffet shouts, herself trying to avoid getting hurt. " Frisk! Get out of here! " She points at the corridor leading to the barrier.

Frisk glances at the short lady and nods, sniffling and crying. They run as fast as possible toward the barrier, and without wasting a second, they go through it, escaping this world... There's nothing left than their knife and the red ribbon, on the floor. Muffet sighs in relief, but this emotion instantly leaves her mind as she feels something in her abdomen.

A vine.

Alphys gasps and runs to her friend, catching her before her head touches the floor. Flowey smirks as he lifts his arm up, ready to order yet another army of bullet to attack the scientist. However, his limb is blocked. And the more he tries to move it, the harder it is to even think about doing it.

He notices the blue light around his arm, and immediately recognizes it. His red and green eyes wander to all the monsters, then to Sans.

" You... " He stares at him, smiling widely. " Why do you even exist...? "

Sans whimpers quietly and immobilizes the rest of Flowey's body. " Look. You don't have to do this. The human is gone now. " He sighs and takes a few steps toward him, avoiding the cracks in the floor and the vines. " Just use some mercy. I'll be your friend, if you want me to-. "

" I don't need friends. "

This sentence came out of his mouth like a reflex, and his voice softened already. Sans motions to his friends to leave and take care of Muffet. Papyrus and Undyne are the last ones to leave, unsure if ti's a good idea to leave him alone. But in the end, they smile and nod.

Sans sits on the floor, legs crossed, and adds a grin on his face. " You can tell me everything, I won't judge. "

" ... What ? " Flowey moves his arm to wipe off his tears, relieved that Sans stopped gave him control again.

" It usually helps to talk how you feel, sooo... Go on, I'm listening. " He doesn't show it, but he's so tense that his body hurts.

" I don't... feel anything, Sans. "

" Then what was all of this about ? Bored ? " Sans teases, tilting his head to the side.

Flowey walks closer and sits in front of Sans, looking at the ground. It's only now that Sans notices how skinny the young man is. So much, that it's actually a miracle that he's still alive. He places a hand on his cheek, wanting to look at his face. Pale, cold, and wrinkled because of the huge, pumpkin smile he had on just a few minutes ago. His lips are still bloody from the last time he tore the skin off, and his dim, green eyes are still filled with tears.

" The souls. " He mumbles, resting his head in his hands. " They made me feel so much all of a sudden, it was overwhelming. "

" Of course it is. Six souls at the same time, Flowey... " Sans looks at him with a saddened expression. " By the way. Have you eaten recently ? "

Flowey shakes his head as no, and before Sans can say anything about it, he covers his mouth with his hand. " I only have three gold. I can't waste it for food, especially if I don't need to eat or drink. I can't die, I'm already an undead flower. "

" Oh, come on. " Sans chuckles and slams his hand against the boy's shoulder. " I never paid my tab at Grillby's, it's fine. "

" No! That's just terrible! " Flowey pushes him away, the childish side of his personality floating back to the surface after many years of being hidden. " W-Why would I even think of abusing his trust like this ? "

" It's not abuse. I just can't pay, either. Come on, he knows most of us are broke. " Flowey doesn't answer, trying to control his anger. He feels it coming back, but after a few, deep breaths, calms down a little. Sans grabs his hand and stands up, forcing the boy to get up, too. " Let's go together, if you're scared. "

Flowey slaps his hand away.

Sans looks at him in surprise, silently questioning him.

" I'm sorry... I just don't think I'm ready to go outside and live like nothing happened. I haven't talked to anybody in years.. "

" Oh yeah. " Sans shrugs. " Guess it can't be helped. You know where my house is, right ? " He winks and rests his hands in the pockets of his jacket. " Come over when you feel like it. "

Flowey nods, a shy smile on his face. Feeling embarrassed by the silence, he turns around and runs out of the castle, unable to control his mind as his social anxiety guides him. Sans stares until his weak figure disappears in the shadows. The thought of resetting comes across his mind, but he refuses to keep this idea. It will just bring more troubles.

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