Operation Rabbit Hole

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Pursuing escaped specimen 5FteR1X2Bp6HWfSa: standard lagomorph nicknamed "Leary".


Located unusual burrow, approximately 843 meters from Dantian base. Entering warren in search of quarry.


Anomalous sensor readings; this realm appears to violate fundamental physical laws. Non-Euclidian geospatial phenomena observed.


Encountered humanoid with outsized cranium, clad in top hat and vintage Regency fashion. Most bizarre!

Individual appeared familiar with neurolinguistic suggestion techniques. May have been persuaded to ingest psychoactive substances.


Hunted by armed militia. Command structure seemingly patterned after tarot Major Arcana. Imminent capture likely.


Warning! Hostiles plotting incursion into material reality. Contain dimensional breach via [REDACTED] Protocol.




Submitted for the Mad Hatter Day 2019 contest by flashfic ("Lost"), exactly 100 words

Header image by photographierende via Unsplash

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