Chapter 3

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|| I am so sorry for not updating the story in such a long time but school just keeps me really busy. ||

Our lips kept touching each other. We both didn't pull back, and I didn't want to pull back. It felt so good, like a dream.

'Did you guys turn into a statue or something' Josh said and I quickly pulled back.

'I think they actually love each other' Ginny said.

'Don't be so ridiculous!' I said and I stood up to get another drink. We wouldn't remember anything of this night anyway I thought when I stood in the mini kitchen looking at all the empty bottles.


It was 8 am when I heard my alarm clock rang. My head felt like it was exploding, I walked to the bathroom and took an ibuprofen hoping my headache would get less. I quickly put on my clothes and went to the buffet to eat some breakfast.

'Hey hello sunshine'

'Hey Josh, good morning.'

'You liked your first game night?'

'Yeah it was great, I just have a little headache'

Josh bursted into laughter. 'You'll get used to that.'

'Yeah I guess...'

'So do you remember anything from last night?'

I looked at Josh with terror in my eyes, did he  remember the kiss between me and Jen?!? Did he think it meant something?!?
'Uhm no not really' I lied.

'I don't remember anything at all' josh said and he bursted into laughter again. 'You wanna have breakfast with me and Ginny we have an extra chair'

'Yeah sure'

After breakfast we went to set, actually I didn't want to because I didn't want to see Jen. What if she did remember?!?

'Hey Colin' a beautiful voice broke my thoughts .

'Hey' I said and I turned around, it was Jen standing behind me and I immediately started to panic.

'Are you okay?' She said and a little smile appeared on her face.

'Yeah yeah I'm fine, I just have a hangover from last night I think.'

'Do you remember anything from last night...?' I could see she was afraid for my answer,

'Uhm yes.'


'I uhh I think we need to talk about last night, there is something I haven't told you'

'Oh okay, we can do it tonight. I need to film now.'

'Yeah of course.'

How on earth was I going to tell her this, I couldn't do that to her. I love her! But that was the problem...


What was going on with Colin? What did he want to talk to me about? I mean we were clearly drunk yesterday. How did he even remember the kiss? How did I still remember the kiss? It was the only thing I could remember from last night....


'You wanted to talk?'

'Yes about last night.'

'Colin we were drunk, the kiss ment nothing. Oh and it was a dare anyway.'

'Yeah I know, but there is something else.'

The words kept repeating in my head, the kiss ment nothing to him while it ment the world to me. But I couldn't tell him that. Especially not now he agreed that it ment nothing.

'So uhm what I wanted to tell you is that I have a wife.'

A wife?!? I couldn't believe this!
'Oh really' I said while I tried to keep a straight face.

'Her name is Helen and we have son Evan.'

'Oh, how old is he?' I tried not to sound jealous, but jealousy was taking over my body. Someone else loved him, he loves someone else. That's even worse.

'He's 5 moths old now'

'How cute, but I should really go now. I'm tired'

'It's 8 o'clock'

'Yeah I just had a long day' I was lying of course. But it was the best thing I could do.

'Okay, goodnight.' He said and he Smiled at me.
'Goodnight' I said back and I also tried to put a smile on my face.

I walked to room and grabbed my phone to check if I had any messages.
I was answering some emails when I got a message from WhatsApp.
'Hey babe, it's been a long time.'
That's all it said, no name, no nothing.
Who on earth could this be? I decided to ignore it and just go to bed. I was really tired and I needed to get up early tomorrow.


I couldn't believe I told her this, I just broke her heart into a million pieces. Or atleast I think I did. I had been at the bar for 1 hour now I should probably go.
I just got back into my room when my phone rang, it was Helen. I didn't want to talk to her right now. Not after what happend with Jen last night. But I had to.
'Hey Colin'
'Hey Helen'
'How are you doing?'
'I'm fine. How is Evan?'
'He's doing great, he grew a lot since you left.'
'I can't wait to see him again when I get back'
'When will you get back?'
'This weekend, cause we get 2 days off.'
'Okay I can't wait to see you again! Tekst me when your plane lands okay, then I'll pick you up.'
'Yeah of course, see you then.'
'I love you'
'I love you too' i hung up the phone and lay down on my bed. Did I mean it? Did I love her? Or did I love someone else?

||oof almost 1k words, also please leave comments they really help||
Also don't forget to follow my insta
@/hooks_guyliner and @/cuteswann

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