Chapter 10

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||wrote this all in class haha||

Later that day I woke up from a knock on my door . Since I expected it to be the room service I told them to go away and come back later, but the knocking continued. I got out of my bed and walked towards the door.
'I told you to go away' I said with irritation in my voice.

'I thought you'd be a little happier to see me and Evan...'

I looked up and saw Helen standing in front of me with Evan in his carrier.


'Can I come in?'

'The room is a big mess hun. Let me just. Change my clothes and then we'll go to the restaurant.'

'Come om just let me in!' Helen said and and she pushed the door open. 'So the rumors are true?' She shouted before I could realize what happened.

'Babe calm down...'

'Don't babe me!'

'Just let me explain!'

'There's nothing to explain Colin! I guess the rumors and picture are real.'

'I'm just helping her Helen!'

'How?! By kissing her?!'

'No! She got kidnapped by her crazy ex boyfriend and now she needs time to heal.'

'Sure. It's done Colin.' Helen said before stormed out of the room.

'Helen please wait! You can't just go! And you can't take Evan away from me!'

'Fine here you go! Goodluck with Evan!' Helen said before she walked away again. I picked up Evan's baby seat and carried him inside.

'I'm sorry Colin...' I heard Jennifer say from behind me. I put down Evans baby seat and turned around.

'It's not your fault Jennifer.'

'It is Colin. If I just went to my own room last night it would all be fine!'

'She saw the picture Jennifer, that's the reason she came here!'

'You could have explained to her that we were just practicing!'

'You really think she would believe that?!'

'I don't know! But you have to find her and explain everything Colin.'

'Why would I?! You heard what she said to me!'

'She was just angry Colin!'

'Well she's going to have to come back some day for Evan anyway.'

'You can't wait till she comes back Colin! If you do she's never going to believe we aren't dating.'

'I'm really not in the mood now Jennifer.'

'Fine, I'll do it!' Jennifer said. She walked towards the bathroom and locked the door.

'Jennifer, she needs to cool off. And I also don't think it's a good idea if you go to her.'

'Well if I you don't want to do it I'll have to do it.' She said while she unlocked the door again and walked out in her dirty clothes. She grabbed my coat and one of the room passes and walked out.

'Jennifer wait!' I said but she didn't seem to bother. I closed the door and sat down on the bed. She's stubborn. And now she's just going to get herself into more trouble.

'What should I do buddy?' I asked Evan, but the only reply I got were some made up words. But what else could I expect from a 1,5 year old?! I picked Evan up from his baby chair and hugged him.
'I missed you buddy.'


'Since when can you say dadda?' I said surprised.

'Dadda!' Evan replied. I walked towards the big chair in the corner of the room and sat down with Evan in my arms. I didn't know what to do. I had to take care of Evan but I also had to find Jennifer, she can't do this on her own. But I can't leave Evan. And Helen also didn't leave me any clothes, food or diapers so I had only had some clothes that Helen forgot to take back last time they were here. I put Evan back into his baby chair and left the room. I walked towards my car and put Evan in the front seat. Then I drove to the mall with him. It was only a 10 minute ride but Evan still fell asleep.


After I left Colin's room I went to find Helen. I tried thinking like her. Where would a woman with a broken heart go? I went to the hotel restaurant but didn't see her there. Then I went to the hotel bar but there also wasn't any sign of her there. If she wasn't in the hotel I was never going to find her, I could barely walk and she could be anywhere. So I grabbed my phone and called Libby.

'Het Libby, I need your help.'

'What's wrong Jen?'

'Helen just kinda broke up with Colin because of me and I can't let that happen. But I can't find her anywhere!'

'So? I don't have magic to poof myself to her.'

'Come on Libby! This is serious! I need to find her!'

'But seriously Jen what could I do?'

'I was thinking she might go to a bar, and since she isn't here I figured she might went into town. And your bar is the closest. But I can't walk all the way there and I don't have my car keys.'

'I'll pick you up and then we'll look for her together.'

'Thank you so much Libby.'


'Okay so you want to look ik every bar in town?'


'Jennifer that's going to take ages!'

'Probably not cause she also had to walk and she was wearing heels, that's why I think she might went to your bar.'

'Well we can look there but I'm not driving through the whole town to find her!'

'I'm almost certain she's there.'

'Okay, but you're the one that's going to look for her I have to work.'

'I know Libby. Thanks for picking my up.'

'Any time Jen.'

I got out of Libby's car and walked inside. It was crowded even though it was only 5 pm, guess more people were having a bad day. I tried to find Helen but I could barely get past all the people. I could feel that my whole body was hurting but I had to save Colin's marriage. So I continued to make my way trough all the people until I saw her. Sitting alone in the corner.

'Helen there you are!'

'What are you doing here? Are you going to rub into my face that Colin choose you?!' She said. Then she stood up and walked towards me and hit me in my face.

||I love writing drama||

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