Chapter 11

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||having writers block but tried my best to still make something for y'all||

I fell down on the ground. My cheek was burning. Tears were rolling down my face. And all I could do was lay there.

'You're a nasty b*tch!' Helen said

'Helen, please let me explain...' I said still laying on the floor while the tears were running down my face.

'Explain how you took him from me! You're a h*e!'

'I'm not!' I said and I got up. 'You don't even know what happend! You just expect the worst!'

'I saw the pictures Jennifer!'

'The pictures of us practicing?'

'You really think I believe that?'

'Well if you truly love Colin and trust him. You would have believed it already. We were just practicing like we had been doing all night. I would never take Colin from you and Evan'

'Jen, I'm sorry. Maybe you're right. But I just can't believe he kissed you off set! It isn't right!'

'Maybe we shouldn't have practiced the kiss but I asked him if we could. It's all my fault. Please don't blame Colin for this. He loves you.'

'I have to talk to Colin...' Helen said and she walked away.

Helen's pov

I walked back to Colin's hotel room. I had the perfect idea to get back at Jennifer. Does she really think I believe all that crap?! She will pay for what she did!
I arrived at Colin's hotel and went inside. I walked towards the elevator and pushed the bottom of the 4th floor where his room was. While the elevator brought me to the right floor I put on the saddest face I could. When I arrived at the 4th floor I walked to his room with my sad face and fake tears. Then I knocked on his door. Colin opened the door right away with Evan in his arms.

'Colin...' I said while the fake tears were rolling down my face.

'Helen?! What happend?! Come in!' He said and he let me in.

'It's Jennifer...'

'What about her? Where is she? She was going to talk to you.'

'She did.... She came to me and explain everything.'

'Thank god she did. But why are you crying then? It's good news right?'

'No. She told me she kissed you to take you away form me. She wants to be with you Colin! She doesn't care about me or Evan!'

'What?! I thought we were just practicing!'

'Well apparently she was planning on making you her boyfriend.'

'Helen, I love you! I would never leave you.'

'Well Jen almost took you from me. Did she even really get abused it did she just do that to herself?!'

'I- I don't know Helen...'

'You should get rid of her Colin.'

'Helen, you know I cant... She's my colleague.'

'Just tell Adam and Edward you don't want to work with her anymore!'

'Then I'll get fired Helen.'

'Look I don't want you to get fired but being with Jennifer isn't healthy for you. You can call me when you made your decision, it's me or Jennifer.'

'Please Helen, don't leave.'

'I won't stay until you talk to Jennifer and tell her she needs to back off.'

'I'll call her right now and tell her. Will you stay then?'


Everything worked out exactly as I wanted. He will be mine forever.

Colin's pov

I can't believe Jennifer would do something like that. She's always helping others...
How could she... But I can't deny the facts, I have to tell her to back off...

'Helen, can I have some privacy when I talk to Jennifer.'

'Yeah sure. I'll go to the restaurant with Evan.'

'Okay I'll see you soon' I said while I grabbed my phone. I went to my contacts, clicked on Jens name and called her.

'Colin, thank god! I'm so happy you and Helen are fine again.'

'Oh stop acting Jennifer! I know everything.'

'What? I told Helen what happend and she said she was going to talk to you.'

'Yeah and she told me what you told her! That you were trying to take me away form her!'

'What?! I would never do that!'

'Oh stop it Jennifer!'

'Colin I swear! I could never do that! Let me talk to her.'

'I think you talked enough to her. Goodbye Jennifer.

'Colin no wa-' I hung up before she could even finish.
I felt empty. I just lost my best friend...
But maybe Helen was right. I shouldn't have a best friend who tries to take my wifey away from me.
I walked towards the door to go to Helen and Evan to the restaurant. I walked down the hall and walked into the elevator. I pushed on the bottom floor button. When the elevator arrived at the bottom floor I got out and walked towards the restaurant. I immediately saw Helen sitting there with Even on her lap. I walked up to them and kissed Helen on her cheek.

'Hey baby, are you okay?'

'Yeah. I'm fine. I did what I had to...'

'I'm proud of you.' She said and she leaned towards me and kissed me.


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