Chapter 1-2, New! Chapter 3-4!

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Chapter One

Nicole stood at the edge of the cliff gazing out at the rolling waves of the Calpernous Sea. Her Elven vision scanned the horizon as the glow of the rising sun painted the sky a turquoise hue, matching the crystal water. Her husband, Jack, had been gone too long, far too long. Something was wrong.  She glanced back at the small two-story building that held the Wizard Council’s School.  Reaching into her tunic pocket, Nicole pulled out a black ribbon and pulled her long blue-black hair back into a ponytail revealing her delicately pointed ears. She sighed and turned back toward the water.

A tall elderly Elf appeared in the doorway of the school. His burgundy robe held the queen's dragon crest indicating he was of royal blood. Ahmity was the queen’s brother. Hundreds of years ago he surrendered the throne to seek a life of magic. Currently, he was charged with rebuilding the Wizard Council. Determined to groom wizards of pure heart that would hold the safety of the Elven people above all, Amity created a school. Choosing candidates from all the creatures of magic, Amity found ten children suitable to school in the art of wizardry.  

The Queen’s son Prince Cabal and the human sorceress Sarah Sims assisted Ahmity. Nicole and her human husband Jack spent their days alternating between schooling the children in the art of psychical defense and caring for their five-year old twins Jordan and Missy.

Jack was orphaned at a young age. As such, he had a fierce devotion to home and family. So when the schools only human student’s parents failed to arrive for graduation, Jack travelled across the sea to find them. That was three months ago.

Nicole turned to find Ahmity moving toward her. She forced a smile and said, “How are Delindi and Doran doing this morning?”

Ahmity met her gaze, his kind blue eyes filled with concern. “They are as anxious as you for Jack to return with news of their parents.”

Nicole’s smile vanished. Ahmity always knew what she was thinking. “I’m going after him,” she declared holding his gaze. “There is a merchant ship leaving from Zalfon this afternoon. I plan to be on it.”

“Elves are not welcome in the human land.” Ahmity spoke softly but with purpose. “The barbarians have forsaken magic and all beings associated with it. That is the reason why Jack travelled alone.”

“If lack of finances kept Delindi and Doran’s parents from attending graduation, Jack would have returned long ago with them in tow.” Nicole’s green eyes flashed in warning as she added, “Something is wrong. It must have happened quickly or Jack would have sent word. So don’t waste your breath. I’m done waiting. I should have gone a month ago. I never should have allowed you to talk me out of it.”

“You aren’t going alone.” A deep voice called to her from the edge of the tree line a short distance away.

A human female with long crimson hair walked beside a tall, blonde Elf warrior with short blonde hair and broad shoulders. Both were dressed in the green leather tunics of the Woodland Elves. Nicole frowned in annoyance at her friends. Of course, Sarah and Cabal would insist on accompanying her, but not this time.

Nicole moved quickly to meet them. Shaking her head, Nicole held out her hands as she reached them. “I am traveling alone. I need to move quickly and without detection if I’m going to discover what happened to Jack.”

Cabal’s handsome chiseled face turned to stone, his dark blue eyes to ice. “Nicole, I am not going to argue with you. The land across the sea is entirely human that’s true, but it isn’t filled with the skyscrapers and motor cars of your human land. It’s a land of vagabonds and killers. The humans are not called barbarians in jest, they earned it. Food is scarce and disease is prevalent due to filthy living conditions. The law enforcers are as few and scattered as the government. Women are little more than slaves and have no legal rights. More importantly, life is not precious there. The punishment for nearly all crimes is death, which is a considerable mercy compared to their prisons.”

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