Rescue mission

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Lucy POV

After everyone got some rest we met back at the conference room.

"So James where did you say you came from?" Erza asked. This was taking too long.
"Well it was near a large body of water..." James said.
"Here's a map, how far did you go before meeting up with Zerf?" Jellal asked.
", Erza..." Wendy spoke up.
"Yes Wendy?" Erza looked towards her.
"I did pull a USB drive off his body when he came in, I'm not sure if there's a virus on it though..." Wendy explained. We need to be there soon...
"Thank you Wendy, someone get Levy!" Erza ordered.

Levy scanned the USB.
"There's only a map on here with coordinates on and a digital letter from someone named Lily Sanchez... it taking about Michelle and James a lot." Levy explained.
"What are the coordinates?" I exclaimed.
"It's at a old settlement... it's one we actually trade with, Croup Manor." Levy explained
"Okay, lets go Natsu" I said.
"No lucy! We are going as a team with a plan!" Erza exclaimed.
"I'm going to save my sister, the long time we take here the more in danger she is!" I yelled back at her.
"Heartfilia! Sit down and listen to reason! You can't just pull a Natsu and barge in there!" Erza explained.
I sat down on Natsu's lap, I was never so impatient before.
"Luce, we will save her, she's going to be okay" My partner comforted me.
"We know the location of the manor, we will have two teams air and land. I would use the sea but the hill there is too steep." Jellal took over.
"Wendy, Gray and Juvia, you are team air. Youll be the first to leave base and scope out the area during night fall, you'll return before dawn and give detail on security there" Jellal ordered.
'Why couldn't we just go in' I screamed in my head.
"Natsu, Lucy you two are team land, you'll be clearing any enemies using a scope, make sure there's no one left outside. I'll be contacting this Lily person and making sure she wears something to stand out." Jellal said.
"Aye sir" we all agreed on the plan.
"Air team, go prepare to leave, you have an hour" Jellal said.
"Land you will use night vision goggles, so you guys will leave at 0800"
"Aye.." I said along with Natsu.

"What do you want to do with the two hours we have?" Natsu asked, we were making our way to my house.
"Im not sure, what do you have in mind?" I asked.
"Well you're really tense right now, so we could take a bath while we wait. I don't want you to overwhelm yourself" Natsu smiled. I felt a bit of relief.
"Sure" I smiled.
"Don't worry luce, soon we will have your sister and then we can party and watch her continue growing" Natsu held my hand.
"Yea, and I'm going to be a aunt too" I smiled.
"And me a uncle" Natsu smiled.
"I can't wait to see her..." I griped his hand.


Natsu, Levy, gajeel and I were on a motorcycle, it was silenced by Levy so that we won't attract anyone or anything.
We stopped at a high building, we were able to see the manor clearly.
"We are in position, over" I said into the radio.
"Wait until team air has given us their position and scopes out the area, over" Jellal responded.
We waited for 30 minutes.
"This is juvia of team air, we have encountered a machine gun coming from the manor, we need the user taken out immediately,over"
"Lucy is on it, over"
I grabbed the sniper, and aimed for the super mutant. Bang.
"And he's out, over" Natsu replied.
I saw two people go over to the super mutant, they looked around, they couldn't see anyone.
"There are two people around the mutant, do they pose a threat?, over" juvia asked.
"Checking!" I told Natsu. I zoomed in more, two women one and a buzz cut and the other wore a purple and yellow dress with a white doctors coat.
"We have eyes on Doctor Lily Sanchez, she is wearing a purple and yellow dress with a doctors coat" I said into the radio.
"Doctors Lily Sanchez is now aware that the air and land team are in position, she will be our inside team on getting Michelle out of the manor, clear the outside area of anyone who poses a threat" Jellal ordered.
Natsu bolted up, "Luce turn on the heat signature..."
I looked around us, there was a puppy.
"Don't touch it," I looked around some more, we were all alone, no robots, no humans or anything.
It rubbed against out leg like a cat wanting to be pet. Natsu scanned it making sure it wasn't a bomb or a trap.
"Luce it's just a pup, there's literally nothing wrong with it" Natsu said.
"Is there a tracker?" I asked.
"Nope, no mic or anything" natsu said.
"Are you sure Natsu?" Levy grabbed the puppy. Gajeel was watching the doctor, "hey Lucy is that your sister?"
I immediately turned to the scope. The girl has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and a large belly.
"Y-yes that's her" I smiled to myself.
"We have eyes on Michelle heartfilia and The Doctor, over" Levy said
"Air team move in, land team protect the air ship and the two girls" Jellal ordered.

We began shooting at the gun men chasing the doctor and my sister.
"Land team! Make your way to the air ship, provide protection!" Jellal said over the radio.
We grabbed the pup and ran down the area.
Levy sent the motor cycles back using her tech.

We made it to the girls side.
"Lucy?" Michelle asked.
"Hi ya little munchkin" I smiled as tears began wanting the flow.
"Lucy! Eyes on the Target!" Levy said. I wiped my tear and turned away.
I shot at the men trying to take my sister away from me. I spotted Alex, I aimed for him.
I smiled as I watched his body drop.
"Everyone on the air ship! Go go go!"
The air ships shields were up, it'll take a while for them to be taken down with just bullets.
"Everyone is aboard!" Gajeel yelled to Juvia and gray.
"We are now taking off," gray replied
" we need two people to man the gun." Juvia added.
Natsu and I automatically got in the gun pits.
"Hey Natsu! Bet you 25 caps that I can headshot more people than you!"
"Oh you're on!"

We made it out of the enemies area, I didn't keep score. I wanted to talk with my long lost little sister but she was peacefully asleep in the silent hovercraft.
"So what's going to happen when we get there?" I talked to Jellal through the radio.
"Well erza wants then evaluated and get a physical." Jellal responded.
"Can i be with her?" I asked
I felt my self get very joyous. Natsu was sleeping in my lap, I kissed his head and stared at Michelle.
I finally have Michelle again, my sweet baby sister...

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