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Natsu POV
Luce and I stayed with her sister and the doctor in the medical wing. Gray, juvia, Levy and gajeel went to the conference room for the feedback.
"Michelle you're finally awake!" Luce bolted towards the dirty blonde.
"Lucy? It's really you?!" Michelle rubbed her eyes as her voice quavered.
"Yes, it's your big sister" Lucy held Michelle in her arms. They both embraced each other for a long time.
"I thought I made you up" Michelle laughed a little through her tears.
"I thought I lost you forever" Luce kissed Michelle's forehead.
"Hey lushi if you haven't noticed by now, I'm pregnant!" Michelle started crying more.
"Hey hey hey it's okay... I know things happened... things I got revenge for." Lucy said.
"What do you mean?" Michelle asked.
"I killed that guy who took you" I budded in smiling.
"No you did not I did" Luce said.
"Who's he?" Michelle asked as she pointed to me.
"He's my b-boyfriend and he did not kill Alex I did" Luce stuck out her tongue.
"Whatever you say Luce" I teased. The doctor lady was napping still.
We were quite, i watched as Lucy petted Michelle who was laying in her lap.
"Hey Sis, What happens now?" Michelle asked.
"Well once we get record of everything that went on there and give you some vaccinations you'll be good to go and live with Lucy" Wendy explained as she walked in with some needles on a tray.

—-moments later—-

"Michelle how far along are you?" Wendy asked as she was checking Luce's little sister.
"I think about 6 months" Michelle replied
"Hmm... I infer about 8 1/2 months" wendy said.
"So the baby should arrive soon?" Luce asked.
"Yes indeed, do you want to know the gender?" Wendy asked.
"Yea sur-." "NOPE, i want it to be a surprise"
"I'll write it down for ya Lucy so Michelle won't know" Wendy smiled.
"Hey Luce I wanna see!" I put my head on Lucy's shoulder peeking at the note.
We both smiled at each other and then at Michelle.

—-a while later—-

It was starting to become morning. Luce was sleeping in my lap since Michelle went for radiation checks.
"Natsu," I suddenly heard " I just realized, we're going to need a bigger place, we only have one bed one shower, for the five of us" Lucy explained.
"Maybe we can ask master for a bigger place" I suggested.
"We are gonna have to" luce kissed my cheek.
"Natsu, I love you" luce smiled at me.
"I love you too luce" I put my forehead to hers then kissed her.
"Sorry to interrupt, but Michelle is finished up and ready to go home" wendy said as Michelle followed behind her.
"Before you go," I heard jellals voice "master wants to talk with you, lucy"

(Hey guys sorry this took like a full on 2 or 3 months in upload, I started dating a guy who was very egotistic and horny  but he broke up with me  ( the 2nd to last week in January) and now I'm back, back again. I'm also talking to another guy I like so wish me luck!)

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