Chapter 10: Small and Adorable

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Turns out Carlos and Ben didn't end up playing very much Tourney. Carlos arrived on the field twenty minutes late, but Ben hadn't even minded. He looked ecstatic when he saw Carlos decided to even show up. He seemed very serious about this, with his clipboard, whistle, and stopwatch in hand. Whatever he was planning, Carlos didn't think it would be much fun for him. As he crossed the field and made his way over to him, Ben gave him a slap on the back.

"Ready to practice?" Ben asked eagerly.

Carlos scoffed, "No. I don't even like this sport."

"Oh come on," Ben said trying to lift his spirits. "Tell you what, by the end of this I promise you, you'll love it."

He didn't reply, but Carlos knew Ben would be wrong. There's nothing he hated more than sports.

"Go down to the end of that yellow line. We're gonna test your speed first," Ben instructed.

Carlos reluctantly made his way down to the line and got in a beginning position. Ben scribbled something onto his clipboard and then held up the stopwatch.

"Okay, Carlos we're gonna do some sprints," Ben called.

Carlos nodded and then he heard it: barking. He whipped his head around and his worst fear came true. Running straight at him was a dog. A dog. It was a matter of fight or flight and Carlos most certainly did not fight. His legs started moving before his brain had decided what to do. He bolted down the yellow line as fast as he could to escape the dog. The only thing going through his mind as I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die. Carlos had never run so fast in his entire life. He might have also been shouting a jumble of "No don't eat me!" and "No please, stop!" and screaming which was a little less impressive.

He dashed past Ben and heard him yell "Clean!" which probably meant he could stop running. Ben thought he was just doing the exercise. Well, no, nope, he most definitely wasn't. Carlos was running for his life.

When he ran out of the field to run, he headed straight for the forest. He vaguely heard Ben calling after him (maybe he finally realized something was wrong). Carlos was running blind, dodging tree after tree, probably getting himself hopelessly lost. It didn't matter he needed to get away from the dog. Thinking quickly, he jumped from the path and began attempting to climb the nearest tree.

"No, stop," he pleaded to the dog desperately. He held out his hand as if he could keep the dog away with a simple gesture.


"Ben? Ben!" Latching onto the tree once again, he glanced behind him to see the brown-haired boy running down the path towards him. "Ben help me!"

He came to a stop before the dog and Carlos, and then looked up at him. Was he crazy? The dog was going to attack him!

"This thing is a killer!" Carlos said pointing down at the dog. "He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat! This is a vicious, rabid, pack animal!"

Carlos watched petrified and Ben scooped up the dog in one arm. It was official. This prince was insane.

"Hey, who told you that?" Ben asked holding his arm out, as Carlos did, trying to calm him down.

"My mother," Carlos said as if it were obvious.


"She's a dog expert. A dog yeller-er," the smaller boy explained.

Ben let out a small laugh.

"Why are you holding him? He's gonna attack you!" Carlos shouted, latching onto the tree.

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