1. The Announcement

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It was a fresh and sunny monday morning in Los Angeles and most people were still slumbering in their beds. But that didn't go for five tired lads who sat on a beautiful balcony enjoying the view over the slowly awakening Hollywood Hills. They all drank tea or coffee and enjoyed the silence. These five guys were the original members of One Direction.

Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik.

The five of them had seen each other quite often in the last few months and had all done some catch up and had also made up with Zayn, who had left the band in 2015 which had caused bitter feelings between the guys. Now that that was fixed they had all gotten to know each other once again because the last years they had all been working on individual solo projects and hadn't seen each other very often. They had stayed in contact though.

Right now the lads were closer than ever and loved spending time together again. All of them had matured during their long ass break and could just laugh about their previous sillyness and problems or fights. Somehow they had all got the feeling and slowly the subject of a reunion came onto the table. The five were ready for it and the last weeks had been full of sorting things out, planning their comeback, interview dates and stuff and getting most of their old team back together. But first on their priority list was: getting signed by another management, record label and production company.
None of them were up to dealing with Syco, Sony and Modest!Management again. They had treated them so poorly and forbidden them so many things they would never go back to that ever again.

Their one condition for a reunion had been that they could be who they wanted to be, do what they wanted to do and that they were accepted and supported by their team no matter what.

It had taken them a while to find someone who was ok with that and who was willing to go through with it but after some time they finally had succeeded.

From then on everything went really quickly and in no time they had worked out their comeback promo schedule. They had also found the time to write a few new songs and decided to release an album EP with that. Their setlist for the upcoming reunion tour was already finished as well and cosisted of their last album Made In The A.M. , a few of their solo songs and the new soon-to-be-released album EP. A few covers were on there as well and that gave them a performance time of two up to two and a half hours.

This morning they had all agreed on meeting up at Louis' house and to finally make an announcement that they were in fact coming back, including Zayn. Over the last weeks they had also dropped little hints and a few pictures with each other. But never the entire group. The fans had gone crazy so far and were suspecting things...but little did they know...

The clock read 8am and the lads had finished their cups of tea and coffee by now. The comfortable silence lasted a little longer when they all watched the last bit of the sun come up from behind the mountains, then Louis was the first one to speak.

"So...should we do it boys?" he asked and four heads turned towards him. A grin appeared on all of their faces.

"Yes. We should" Liam answered and the others nodded in agreement.

"Oh i can already see the fans totally freaking out" Niall added and Harry said "It's probably gonna take two seconds and we'll be trending number one worldwide" to what the others agreed once again, Zayn slightly worried.

"What is it, Zee? You don't look too pleased when you should be overly excited right now..." Louis questioned and Zayn laughed with a shrug.

"I mean it's just...you know that we'll most likely break the whole internet right?" he remarked and then let out a loud laugh as did the others.

"Well, at least we'll be on the news then" Harry stated amused and Liam gave him a terrified look.

"Hazza that's a horrible way to look at things you know that, right?!" he scolded and they all laughed once again.

"Oi c'mon Payno. We'll be on the news either way so be it because of the reunion or an added worldwide internet crash...i don't really care" Louis spoke and Niall pointed at him knowingly. "Truth spoken, good point. So c'mon now guys let's do it. I can't wait" the irishman exclaimed and the five boys all stood up and went to the kitchen still laughing like idiots.

When they had placed their empty cups into the dishwasher they all shuffled back outside and then opened the old One Direction accounts on social media for the first time after a long time again.
Louis logged in on instagram where they'd also do a livestream in a few minutes, Zayn was on facebook, Harry on snapchat, Liam on twitter and Niall opened their tumblr account. They all posted a black picture with white letters that said:

Oioi!!! @ Directioners we've got something coming for you! Livestream on instagram in five...
See ya there!!!

Pressing send/post at the exact same time they waited and looked at each other holding in their breaths then letting them out and screaming excitedly.

"Wuhu omg we're really doing it!"
"I can't believe it it's happening!"
"Ahhh this is so exciting i can't wait!"
"Oii it's gonna be fucking amazing!"
"Yaass the band's finally alive again!"

They shouted in a mess and went for a group hug. Cuddling, cheering and jumping around they weren't aware of anything that happened around them and were just happy and full of excitement for everything.

Otherwise they might have not been able to close their mouths again. It was as if the entiere fandom all over the world had suddenly woken up and millions and millions of fans were currently crying, screaming, breaking down, reposting, calling and texting friends to wake up and waiting on instagram to be the first ones watching the livestream from One Direction. Finally. After such a long time.


Sooo hey guys and welcome to another story...! 👋😊

I hope you liked it so far? :)

Also i don't mention exact dates (reason in story description).

Yeah also Zayn will be back bc...i'm an OT5 stan.

Idk what the relationship/s within the band will be in this one yet so...i still have to decide that.
Any suggestions?

Sorry for any typos or vocab mistakes etc. :)

See you (hopefully) at the next chapter!

xx 💚💙😄

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