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All my life I had been living in a small country in Europe, but today I would finally be able to figure out if the American dream was as magical as it was made out to be.

As soon as the plane lands, I try to drag my father off to get our baggage. "Easy there rogue, we'll get there," my dad says taking his sweet time getting off.

"Come on, I want to see our new house," I say still pulling his arm. Not that it was effective but a girl can hope, right? He just laughed and continued in his snail pace and he was right to do so, it still took a long time for our baggage to arrive.

"Why does it take so long?" I ask my dad impatiently. "Patience rogue, patience, it just takes a while for them to get everything out of the plane and back to the airport," my dad explains.

We waited for half an hour before the baggage came rolling in and another 10 to finally see our baggage slowly coming our way. My dad grabs, both our suitcases and handed mine to me. Just a few more steps and we were officially in America.

We make our way to customs, showing our passports one more time, they put a stamp on our passport and we were free to enter the country. The warm summer air hitting my face as soon as we walk out of the airport. My dad went to find a taxi, while I stood there admiring everything around me.

There were so many people walking in and out of the airport, some alone, others with there families or loved once. I saw one little girl running up to her father, leaving the mother behind watching them lovingly. A normal person would be happy seeing such an emotional reunion, but I could only feel hurt and hatred. I clenched my fist and took a few deep breaths.

"Isa, come up, just an hour ago you were pushing me to hurry up." My dad yelled. I took one more deep breath and put my biggest smile on. "Coming dad!" I yell back at him. I grab my suitcase and walk over to where he and our taxi chauffeur are waiting.

The man smiles brightly at me before taking my suitcase and putting it in the trunk. I take a seat in the back while my dad takes the seat in the front, next to the chauffeur.

"So rogue, are you excited to see our new home," he says while turning around in his seat. Was I excited? Not really, but I knew my dad needed this after everything. "Sure am, can't wait to see all the different things Murica has to offer," I say putting on my biggest smile. He laughs at my comment and turns back around to talk to the chauffeur.

I grab my phone and remember that my phone wouldn't have internet yet. I really want to listen to some rock or metal to lift my mood up. I sigh and put on some depressing song's I downloaded a while ago.

I decide to listen to; Kill yourself part³ by $uicideboy$. It's one of my favourite songs for when I feel depressed.

My ribs are nothing but an empty cage, black hole in my chest
Big bang, Yung Plague on the tip of a wave
In my head, I feel like I'm a guest, so I'ma throw it all away
Because when I am dead, I will be nothing decomposing in a grave
I'm matter, but I don't matter

I try to rap along with the song in my head. Ever since that day, I felt this part the most, I wouldn't do it of course, since I am everything my dad has left and I knew he needed me now more than ever.

I stare at the scenery passing by. My thoughts still on everything that happened back home. The girl I had fallen for, the way she found out and everything that happened after. To make it worse Billie Eilish, Ocean Eyes starts to play through my headphone.

I pulled my hoodie over my head to hide the tears that were about to roll over my cheeks. She was my first crush, she had beautiful blue eyes. Eyes that could see through your soul, the eyes I've fallen for, the first time they locked with mine.

Breaking Barriers (GxG) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now