First Dates

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Your breath quickens, feeling like your heart is ready to jump out of your chest, you can't seem to sit still or calm down.

This is what I was currently feeling.

"Isa, calm down. Everything will be alright." Hayden says trying to calm my nerves. "You're going to making a hole in the floor if you keep pacing around like that."

He sits down on the bed as soon as he notices my death glare. "I would like to see how calm you're when you're going on a date with someone you really like," I say a little too harsh. He didn't do anything wrong, I just don't like feeling like this. What if she doesn't like what I've planned. What if I screw this up. This where just a few of the thoughts currently running through my mind.

"Okay, that's it I'm done," Hayden says throwing his hands up in the air. "I will never understand women."

Jax walks in just as he finishes his sentence. "Amen my friend, Amen." He says putting his hands in the air, praising Hayden's remark. I block them out again, going through the list in my head, making sure there are no loose ends or things that could go wrong.

"Isa! For the love of god please calm down, everything will be fine." Hayden yells at me, startling me in the process.

"But what if something goes wrong and she doesn't want to see me ever again?" I say, still doubting if this was a good idea. I continue walking around the room when all of a sudden Jax pulls me towards the bed.

"Sit and stay." He says in a commanding voice. What am I? A dog?

I comply but not without giving him one of my dead glares. I hope this one was telling him to shut up, or else he would have to live without his precious seamen maker for the rest of his life.

He takes a few steps back, putting his hands up in surrender. "Don't kill me, I'm innocent. I swear." He says trying to lift the mood.

"If you're innocent then I'm your pet dog named Maria." I throw back at him. See, this is why I don't like to feel nervous. Jokes fly over my head and my remarks make no sense. Everything seems to piss me off when I feel like this.

"Ouch," Jax says, grabbing his chest as if I just shot an arrow through it. Hayden shoves him playfully before turning his attention towards me.

"We get it, you're nervous, it's normal." He takes a seat beside me and puts his hand on my knee. "But everything will be alright. Just be yourself and enjoy the moment you spent together. Everyone gets nervous when going on a date with the person they like but if you get too caught up in your feelings, you won't enjoy the moment and neither will she." He sends me a warm smile after he's done giving his speech.

He's right though if I keep thinking about things I won't be able to enjoy the time spent with her. I sigh, admitting defeat. "You're right," I say putting my head in my hands. "I want her to have a great time, but I can't help but think she'll come to hate me somehow."

"Hayley? Hate you?" Jax says, shocked by my words. "I might not know her as long as you do, but from what I have seen so far she really likes and cares for you. I slowly lift my head, looking at him in disbelieve.

"He's right, Isa. The way she looks at you like you're her whole world, or how protective she is over you. You didn't notice, but she sent us away the moment she noticed something was up with you, like this morning. She even forgave you in a heartbeat when you reunited after you ran away 3 years ago." He says, throwing an arm around me. "And you got us, always, even if she changes her mind about you. Which she won't."

My nerves melted away like snow. Is something I wish could say, but they've settled down a bit. I wasn't as nervous as before.

"Thanks, guys, what would I do without you," I say, smiling like an idiot.

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