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In life things don't always go they way you planned or want it to go. There is always someone or something that does something you never expected them to do, this can either be good or bad.

No matter what happens just remember to never give up, keep your head up and keep reaching for the goals you set in life. Don't let the bad luck in your life decide the road you're going to follow, you'll get there if you keep fighting and working on the goals you set for yourself.


Things haven't been the same ever since the night Isa collapsed on stage. Not only the world was in shock when they found out what had happened to the singer, her friends were as well.

Hayley being Hayley couldn't take it anymore and make sure the person responsible was arrested, but she knew that wasn't going to safe her lovers life. She sat helpless next to her bed as the doctors told her over and over again that all they could do was wait. Wait for Isa to fight the poison in her system, or wait for her to die.

1 year later

"So tell us, how are you doing now, after the funeral, after everything that happened?" The interviewer asks me. I clear my throat in the hope I can get rid of some of the nerves running through my body.

"Things are better. I feel better." I stop for a moment while I search for the right words. "I think somewhere along the way I forgot to appreciate what I have and had. I started to only see the bad things, while there were plenty of good moments happening right in front of me."

I take a deep breath before I continue. "All in all I'm just glad to be alive today. What my mother did to me was horrible, but she is still my mother, she is still the person who birthed me and raised me for the most part. This doesn't mean I'm not relieved with the current situation. No more looking over my shoulder, no more fear and most important of all no more running from her."

"I admire how you can still show much love to someone who has not only tried to kill you but also hung herself just months after her arrest. Leaving you to deal with this all alone" The interviewer says as she looks me deep in the eye. I look away as soon as I notice what she's doing. There is still only one person who can stare into my soul, Hayley. The woman leans forward as she gets ready to ask her next question. "How do you cope with it all?"

"Just to make one thing clear, I'm not alone. I got my amazing girlfriend, my friends and of course my fans. They support me through everything, let me make my mistakes and accept me for who I am, they are my real family."

The woman flips her hair behind her shoulder as she pretends to care about my story, which I know she doesn't care about. "After waking up from my coma I knew I needed to get professional help. Hayley, Audrey, Cheryl, Jax, Anna and Hayden helped me through the hard parts, taking turns driving me from and to the psychologist and back home. They encouraged me to talk about the things I kept bottled up inside, showing me that there are people out there willing to help you."

"So what you're saying is you don't have to fight your battles alone and that asking for help isn't a bad thing?" She looks me in the eyes and sends a wink in my direction. It's clear she doesn't care that my girlfriend is right behind me watching us from the side.

"That's exactly what I'm saying." She tries to put her hand on my knee which I shake off immediately.

"One last question before we get to see you perform for the first time since everything happened." She continues as she tries to put her hand on my knee again which I push away again as if her touch was going to burn my skin. "What do you have planned for the near future? New album? Continue the tour or are there other plans?"

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