The Calm Before The Storm

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Love, a simple four-letter word that holds a lot of power. Someone who's been brought up in a healthy environment has probably heard their family use this word a lot and have felt what love feels like, while others have never felt the true meaning of love. 

Love might be a small word, but it's meaning is not. So how do you know if you love someone? Is it love when you always want to be around them? Or is it love when you feel like you can trust that person with your life?

Everyone will give you a different reply because in the end we all have been through our own shit and see the world through our own rose- or grey- coloured glasses.


"Isa, I love you."

It takes a moment before my brain fully process what Hayley had just said.


I run into the room the nurse told me he was laying at, stopping dead in my track the moment my eyes land on him. The steady tone from the heart monitor, together with the pumping sound of the mechanical ventilator is the only sound in the room.

I feel tears well up in my eyes as I walk closer towards the bed. I sit next to him taking one of the chairs from across the room.

"Dad," I take a moment to look at him. In just a few months he's grown older.  His bags have grown darker, his cheeks have disappeared showing mostly bone now. He was at his end, the doctors didn't need to tell me anything for me to know. Not that the machine keeping him breathing was a dead give away...

I sigh while laying my hand on top of his.  "Dad, I love you. I wish we had so much more time together and relive our best and worse moments together. Like baking cookies or making up our own fake fight scenes and acting them out after hours of practising. I would even relive my worst days all over again, just so I could hug you again while you tell me how everything will be alright if I just keep fighting. Never take the path most taken, but do what you want to do and be-"

"A rogue." He takes the words out of my mouth as he tries to squeeze the words out.

"Shh, don't talk." I put my hand on his upper arm as I try to keep him quiet. The doctor walks in soon after as he explains what my dad's options are. He looks at me letting me know it was time.

"He wants to be taken off the machines." A tear escapes as I tell the doctor my fathers last wish.

"My beautiful child. I know you've been through a lot, but I don't want fear to hold you back. Don't be afraid to show the world how amazing you are. You are a great person and you deserve so much more then I was able to give you." He says after they took the machines off of him. The words come out heavily as it costs him a lot of energy. "Show everyone how amazing my daughter is, I'll always be with you. Remember that when you need me. I love you, rogue."

Tears flow down my cheek as he slowly closes his eyes. His chest rises one last time as he lets out his last breath soon after.


Hayley slowly pulls away when my attention is drawn back to her. Shit, I totally spaced out didn't I?

"I-uh- I get it if you don't fe-" I immediately interrupt her by pulling her back into our embrace.

"God, you're so cute when you get all insecure." I smile into her neck while I feel her tense up a little. I pull back, looking her in the eye. "I love you too."

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