Reels of Tape

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*Okay guys, quick note here. I had some feedback from lovely authors and readers that maybe I rushed through the intro, and I totally agree. I went back and added this, so that you might understand the main character better.

It took some guts. Some of this stuff is similar to actual events in my childhood. It's applicable to anyone who's ever suffered social anxiety.*

Sparkling panes of steel framed glass loomed ominously over her, the large shadow of the building casting a refreshing chill over the hot pavement beneath her feet

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Sparkling panes of steel framed glass loomed ominously over her, the large shadow of the building casting a refreshing chill over the hot pavement beneath her feet. The difference in temperature did nothing to calm her nerves however, and an anxious debate continued its debilitating rampage through her thoughts.

The woman's wary eyes followed the silhouette of the building upward, so high that it blocked out the sun and rested like a monolith between the neighboring businesses. Dapperly dressed people queued for the entrance with briefcases and purses in hand as they bustled around her talking on their cell phones. Someone lightly jostled her shoulder as they passed, but hard enough that she pulled her gaze from the impressive structure just long enough to catch the disapproving glare the woman gave her unruly coif.

Hot shock ripped through her and she raised a shaking hand to her messily implemented updo, feeling the stray pieces that had wormed their way out of her bun. Embarrassment washed over her in waves, welcoming the torrent of memories she struggled to keep at bay. Images so carefully guarded, locked away in the recesses of her mind came flooding forth.

I must look horrible, she thought, the bustling sound of the city fading into a muffled, far off haze as the photos of ghosts past haunted her present.

The table was peeling on the surface, the fake laminated plywood kind they only manufactured in brown. The blonde girl that always wore dresses sat across from her. The girl frowned at the hair that had escaped her ponytail and hung down the sides of her cheeks.

"Why do you have sideburns like a guy? "She blurted abrasively, causing her to hastily tuck the bits of hair behind her reddening ears. She hung her head, ashamed aware the entire table of fifth graders were ogling her like a zoo animal. Her cheeks burned, eyes smarting as she hid her face in her hands.

Presently frozen on the sidewalk, fingers prodding her bun, she struggled to keep breathing. Forcing her feet to move, she forged on, clumsily stumbling into the doorway. She briefly made eye contact with the handsome man who'd been patiently propping the door open for her, but her thanks got caught in her throat. His blue orbs roved over her appearance, eyes flicking observantly to every detail. A dark brow cocked bemusedly at her ill-fitting attire.

Brushing the dirt off her knees, she picked herself up off the ground where she tripped over a tree root. Her face hurt from her glasses digging into her skin when she'd fallen. Adjusting the now crooked frames on her nose, she gazed down at the clothes hanging from her body, jeans loose everywhere on her knobby, childish figure. She never understood why her garments didn't look as cute as all the other girls. She wanted to feel pretty.

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