The Academy

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The friendship between you and Winter had finally begun. The little-playdate was pretty fun. You got to meet her mother, whom seemed a bit distant from her family. Of course, at that age, you called it "weird" and Winter was in agreement with you. But, that session really made you both become closer. Winter would come to your house and also get to experience your level of fun and meet your parents.

Your parents took an instant liking to Winter and she to them. The two of you would hang out for days on end just enjoying spending time with one another. Of course, you two continued to grow up with one another and just hang out. That's when you two began attending Atlas Academy. You two were quite capable with your weapons and skills.

Currently, you were in a combat class with one of your classmates. You had your two axes drawn and ran towards your opponent. They raised a guitar in defense as it was their weapon. You clashed with each other. However, your second axe was still available. You swung and broke the pin. You spun around and did a roundhouse kick to their head and grabbed their collar and pulled back and winked and punched them in the face.

A siren went off, calling the match in your favor. You smirked and looked back at Winter in the stands. She gave you a smile and you gave a two finger salute. After you got changed back into your uniform, you walked back to Winter, whom was waiting on you for lunch.

(Y/N): Well...was I good or what?

Winter: Still could use more class.

(Y/N): (Scoffs) Really? Class? We're training to become warriors. The last thing we need on the battlefield is "class".

Winter: And some manners would also help your case.

(Y/N): Well, aren't you full of joy today.

Winter glares back up at you. You sighed and stepped in front of her, stopping her suddenly.

(Y/N): What is it now? Your father? My uncle putting pressure? What?

Winter: The way you talk, you sound almost like you care 100%.

(Y/N): You're my best friend. Of course I care.

Winter sighed and kept walking. You groaned in annoyance for a second and grabbed her shoulder to stop her.

(Y/N): Winter. I'm serious.

Winter: You don't need to play therapist with me.

(Y/N): I know. But come on.

Winter: (Sighs) It is father again. He has been...pressuring me into more business centered classes. Since our schooling is coming to an end, he wants me ready to inherit the company from him.

(Y/N): And clearly you don't want that.

Winter: Yes. And he's...already looking for suitors.

(Y/N): Suitors?! Are you kidding me? That's been out of practice for 300 hundred years!

Winter: Business wise. He wants me to join with an heir of some company, get better deals here and there.

(Y/N): That is so dumb! I mean...just...argh!

Winter: It's out of your control, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I'm going to worry about it! That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of!

Winter remains silent as you go on with your rant of how stupid it was. You had made your feelings about Jacques Schnee pretty clear to everyone you knew closely. That also included Winter. What seemed to have surprised you was the fact that Winter didn't seem to mind the rants and even agreed with you on some points. Alright, a lot of points, the point being, it was nice to listen and rant to someone so close.

Winter Schnee X Male Reader: Childhood FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now