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The rest of your time at Atlas was pretty relaxed and easy going. It was another year and you were about to graduate from the academy with plans of joining the "Specialist" unit. You and Winter were still close friends and enjoyed spending time with one another. You both would train alongside one another, eat together and have a blast with each other. Those were the fun days. Yet, the looming threat of Winter being married off to some elitist never sat right with you. Her too. But that couldn't be a priority right now. Again, no matter how much you wanted it to be.

Currently, you were working on the applications into the Specialist Unit. This was always your least favorite part of doing paperwork for the military. You were already an official lieutenant in the Atlas military. There was no point to this piece of...anyway. The process was long and unpleasant. However, it was almost done. That was until a knock came from your window. Your eyes widen when you saw Winter was on a tree branch waiting for you.

You cocked an eyebrow and walked over to the window and opened it. Winter didn't give you a stern "let me in" or something along those lines. Instead she gave you a warm smile, like something to do with an awkward situation.

(Y/N): I'm not even going to ask.

Winter dropped her joyous smile and replaced it with her usual stern and annoyed look. You smiled back.

(Y/N): Ah, there she is.

Winter: You're annoying.

(Y/N): Keeps you honest with me. So...why are know? Outside my window? There's a door you could have used.

Winter: Yes well...I always did admire your unorthodoxy. Decided to try it out myself.

(Y/N): And?

Winter: Eh.

You rolled your eyes and laugh a bit. You gestured for her to move back and she did so. You hopped out of the window and sat down beside her on the large branch.

(Y/N): So, why are you here tonight? Not that I'm complaining of course.

Winter: Just wanted to clear my head. Got off the phone with my father.

(Y/N): Yeah? What is about this time?

Winter: Well...the suitor had an unfortunate accident.

(Y/N): Accident?

Winter: Apparently he was assaulted. Face scarred up. Even if he wasn't in the hospital, he would have missed the assigned wedding day so he and father called it off.

You looked forward thinking of the situation. You were relieved but at the same time, it all seemed too convenient. Your eyes widen a bit and you glanced down at Winter with a cocked eyebrow.


Inside the suitor's bedroom, Winter is wearing a completely black jumpsuit with a black face mask and summoning glyphs, keeping the suitor in place.

Suitor: Oh God!

Winter: CALL IT OFF!!!

Suitor: I swear I will! I swear!!!

Winter: DO IT!!! CALL IT OFF NOW!!!

Suitor: I will! (Crying) I swear I will!

Winter: DO IT YOU-


You just laughed! You knew she had intervention with that and it was hysterical! It had been years since you laughed like that. Winter slightly glared up at you as you laughed like a mad man.

(Y/N): (laughing hysterically) Oh my-oh my! (Laughs) That is just...(laughs some more)

Winter: (Y/N)? Really?

(Y/N): (Laughs) I'm-I'm sorry! That's just the funniest thing I've heard all day.

Winter rolled her eyes and let you laugh it out. You just couldn't stop laughing like a child after a stupid joke. Finally though, you calmed down and saw Winter with an annoyed scowl on her face. You sighed at her.

(Y/N): Let me laugh. It's how I get through the day.

Winter giggled to herself but you did hear it. It was quick but cute. However, that was not something you wanted to push onto it.

(Y/N): So, ready for graduation?

Winter: As ready as I can be.

(Y/N): Is that a yes or a no?

Winter: Sure.

This time, Winter laughed at your misery. The laughter was much quicker than yours but it was still sweet.

(Y/N): So, business or military?

Winter: I'd rather not say now.

(Y/N): Ah, surprise. Gotcha.

Winter: Well, I'd best be off. Wouldn't want to ruin your evening.

(Y/N): You never ruin my evenings.

That made Winter stop. She looked at you like you had just spoken the weirdest yet sweetest thing in the whole world. You cleared your throat to clarify your statement.

(Y/N): I mean, you're a good friend and-

Winter: I got that.

Winter hopped off of the branch and began to walk back to her dorm building since yours was for teams A-J and Winter's was in R-Z. You smiled as she waved bye. Once she was out of sight, you began cursing to yourself.

(Y/N): Stupid idiot! Why would you ever say that?! Come on, man!

Among other insults. Regardless, you went to sleep that night with some level of satisfaction knowing she was free. Free from that dumb idealist....idea! Great word choice, I know.

But, time went on and graduation arrived. You could see your parents near the front row and Winter's family...elsewhere. A booth seat since you were all in the Amphitheater, of course they got it. Winter was on stage since she was the valedictorian of the class. She was scanning the crowd, some worry on her face, but when she locked eyes with you, you made a dumb face.

That dumb face made her smile. You could see her shoulders ease up. You were breaking the tension for her. You gave her some awkward finger guns and she smiled back at you. However, you also saw Jacques give a bit of a stern look to Winter. You couldn't help but glare back up at the man.

(Y/N): (To yourself) Be smart here Winter. Come on!

So, the ceremonies started, people were crying and so on and so forth. You remember your uncle gave a large speech and honor the top 4 teams. Of course, Winter's team was ranked number 1. Still didn't stop your team from claiming spot number 2 on the leaderboards. That was something your parents and uncle were proud of as not even they made it to the top 4.

So after Ironwood's big speech Winter was offered up to walk and give a speech. Winter cleared her throat once she stepped up to the podium. She looked out across the students and you gave her two thumbs up. She smiled back at you.

Winter: Greetings ladies and gentlemen. And welcome to Atlas Academy. Upon being asked to do this speech, I was startled and humbled. Many of you would say that due to my name, that previous statement was false. I beg to differ.

You listened as Winter justified why she was chosen and you agreed. Of course, you and your teams would be the only ones to truly know this but that didn't matter. You knew who she was and you knew she was great. So, more talking here and there and you knew her speech was coming to an end. She had asked you to proofread it on numerous occasions to get things just right.

However, once she reached the intended end of her speech, she kept going. You were confused as to why she would add to it.

Winter: And that is what has made me reach the decision I have. I have already filled out the application and General Ironwood has accepted it. I will joining the Atlesian Military.

She made her decision. Some cheered. Others not so much. You looked up and smirked at seeing Jacques Schnee more pissed than you ever have in your entire life.

Winter Schnee X Male Reader: Childhood FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now