Crave You - 6

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        I wasn’t even sure what I had been staring at for the past ten minutes, nor did I want to, but judging by the wide beam plastered onto Seth’s wicked face, I’d quickly be informed.

        “Isn’t it incredible,” he said, marveling at the thing before us. I couldn’t reply, I was still trying to hold down the potential bile from erupting from my esophagus. “Liam? You’ve been so silent, say something! This is a breakthrough for science, for us!”

        “For you!” I snapped. He was taken aback by my abrupt reply. “This isn’t science, it’s… satanic. There are other ways for you to gain power without having to destroy everything around you! This will kill millions of innocent people, you can’t be serious about this, can you?”

        “I spent too much time and money on this to be joking around! If I’m the only person in the world who can provide shelter and immunity from this, then my followers will be kissing my feet until they drop dead. Not to mention, it’ll be a much more efficient way of doing away with those on the Blacklist.”

        “Like Ryan?” I interjected.

        “Yes… The only reason I want him and his family involved with the girl from Zone 12 is so they can make the mistake of trusting me. He needs to trust me, he needs to get comfortable, and once he does I’ll be there to drag him down to rock bottom… It has to be this way. I’ll kill him, take the girl, and make my way to Bridgeport to run tests on her and the other candidates.” I looked away from the scene in front of me and forced myself to make eye contact with Seth, who wore a blank countenance.

        “Test for what exactly? We already know that they’re immune, so what else is there to test for?” I pried.

        “I want to take blood samples from them and see if I can do any further altering to their genes. Not for them, they’re fine with what they’ve already been given. It’s for me. If I can have one of the doctors do some changes to it, I can be immune and then some… Perhaps as strong as one of these bastards. I suppose the only difference between us at that point would be that I’d have an IQ you can’t count on one hand.”

        I scoffed loud enough so he could hear my displeasure, then took one glance back at the thrashing entity in front of me. Its pale, boney arms were restrained by heavy chains bolted to a wall, but it didn’t stop him from trying to lunge at is. He was a member of the Blacklist, Tony Mills, who didn’t do anything but kill his partner when he denied him of retirement. He never hurt the innocent like the others, he stuck with our code, but the current circumstances forced him into something horrible. This is where it got him. Seth infected him yesterday and now he was completely nude, his skin was flushed of all color, his discolored teeth were snapping at us every second, and his eyes were bleeding from the tear ducts, glazed over and transformed into pieces of coal. He didn’t speak, he didn’t stop his fidgeting and growling, and he surely didn’t recognize us. He was the first to fall victim to this heartless plan, and judging by the way Seth’s eyes lit up with every glance at him, he wouldn’t be the last.


        “Hey, Rose, can you help me for a minute.” Nikki was staring at two dresses in some magazine for the past fifteen minutes, struggling to make a decisive decision. Rose walked over to her in the kitchen with some strange skip in her step and leaned over the island countertop to look at the images in the magazine. She had her back to me, but the way she leaned over, pressing her weight against the countertop, had made herself arch forward in a way that prevented me from pulling my eyes off of her backside. The only thing that made me snap out of my trance was Logan’s commanding snap.

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