The Confession - 7

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4 months later.

        The moment I stepped from the narrow hallway and into the apartment, I was hit with a humid heat that coincided with the thick, rustic smell that originated from the kitchen. I shut the door and threw my keys into the bowl, then loosened the tie that felt like it had been tightening around my neck throughout the day. Just before I was about to unbuckle the heavy belt around my waist with my holsters and my .38 tucked into one, I found her running to me from the kitchen to unhook the belt while greeting me with a gentle kiss at my cheek.

        “How was work, sergeant?” she asked with a playful grin.

        “It was good, and you know I’m still not used to hearing that!” I exclaimed through laughter.

        “Well you should be! You earned that promotion last week. Who knows, maybe it’ll be sheriff sooner than you think.” 

        “I wouldn’t go that far. I’m just glad I got out of those horrible hours… Hey, is Hannah in her room?” I asked.

        “Yeah, she’s doing some of her homework, but dinner’s ready so bring her over.” I approached her while she opened the lid to a large pot and stirred its contents with a long, wooden spoon. With my hands slowly wrapping around her waist, I tugged her into me while she tried tending to the stove.

        “Ryan, I’m cooking!” she squealed while I snuck in a kiss along her neck.

        “If I remember correctly, last week you were nearly begging for me to take you right here.”

        “I’d hardly call it begging,” she replied.

        “Oh really? Maybe you just need a reminder.” She playfully pushed me away with bright red cheeks, but excitement was building in her eyes. It was one of the reactions I loved getting out of her. She was so easily embarrassed, she even embarrassed herself sometimes whenever I’d get a dirty thought to cross her mind. “Alright, I’ll stop. The food smells great though, honey.”

        “Thanks. I’m going to set the table,” she whispered into my ear while pecking my neck. I called Hannah from the hallway and she came quickly running out and leapt into my arms. I lifted her up off the ground, gave her a warm kiss at her cheek, and spun her around before setting her back on the ground.

        “You miss me, darlin’?” I said while ruffling her hair into a frizzy mess.

        “Mhmm! How was work, Daddy?” she asked while toying with her stuffed bear.

        “It was good, but I kept thinking ‘bout my lil’ princess all day! How was school, kiddo?” I asked as I knelt down to her level.

        “It was amazing! We made picture frames and we’re supposed to take a family photo for Easter and put it in the picture frames we made! So on Sunday, you, me, and Rose need to take a picture together!” I felt my heart skip a beat on the inside, and in unison, Rose and I exchanged embarrassed stares.

        “Darlin’…” I began. “Rose may be busy that day and she might not be able to take the picture. You need to ask her these sort of things, it’s just a bit complicated.”

        “How? Isn’t she family? You said it yourself! You said that a family are people who care about you, and that they don’t have to be related to you!” Rose had gone over to us and knelt down with me to face Hannah, but took ahold of my hand in the process.

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