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In the dark of the night, a girl who had sapphire blue eyes and bright red hair. The girl was standing there, shaking like a leaf in the center of the plaza. Her hands clenched on the white fabric of her school uniform. The girl stared at the eyes of an animal and not just any animal, those were the eyes of a beast. And those eyes belonged to a large male Grey Wolf. The wolf was wearing a High School uniform and was hunched over on his hind legs. The two stared at each other until the girl took a step backward. Then, the wolf let out a menacing growl that alarmed the girl. As she was about to make a run for it, the wolf pounced at the red-haired girl. The two spiraled to the ground until the wolf held the girl in his chest.

At that moment, I had come face to face with a human girl, and my feral instincts.



A young red-haired girl turned her head around as soon as she heard her name being called out. The girl was seventeen years old and was well known around the school. Probably because she was the last human left in the world, once the news of a human was going to attend Cherryton High School all hell broke loose. Everyone was very skeptical of the young girl, for she was neither a herbivore nor carnivore. However, thanks to Ella's shyness and artistic talents, everyone was able to grow comfortable around her. Rumors have been spreading around that she might become the next Beastar.

"Hello Tem, how are you today?" Ella said with a smile as was putting away the paintbrushes she just cleaned. Tem is an alpaca she became friends with on the first day she came to this school. "I'm okay...hey will you...will you come to the first showing of the play my club is doing?" Tem asked with a smile on his face. Ella was surprised, no one has ever asked her to go to an event before. She was about to accept the offer but she then remembered one specific thing. "I would love to Tem, but I can't...I'm still under supervision," Ella said with a frown as her sapphire eyes showed regret. Even though she is accepted by many animals in the school, there are still doubts.

Ever since Ella was found, she was always been watched over by security guards that made sure that nothing ever happens to her. Ella is the sole heir of the company adaptive father controls, her father found Ella when she was just a baby.


A child abandoned in a dark alley, wrapped in a blue blanket, crying out for attention for anyone. Until a giant lion stopped when he heard an infant's cry. The lion looked into the alley and saw a small bundle moving around in an old cardboard box. The lion bends down to the box and then carefully moved the blue blanket down to see the child's face, he gasped. The child had no fur, no scales, nor gills, the only patch of fur the child had was bright red, almost as red as an apple. The child finally stopped crying and then looked up at the lion with her beautiful sapphire eyes that sparkled with innocents. The two stared at each other for only a minute until the child burst into a fit of giggles as her chubby little hands reached towards the lion. The lion's heart melted at the sound of the child's laughter.

In the end, the lion picked the child out of the box and held her in a loving embrace. The child soon fell asleep while hugging the lion's soft mane. The lion smiled just before he walks away with the child in his arms, starting a new life for both of them.

~Flashback End~

"I know that your being supervised and everything but...wouldn't it be nice just to go to a school event?" Tem said with a small smile in hopes of convincing the young girl to attend. 'Now that I think about it...Papa would at least let me see the school's play. He knows Tem and he has no problems with him and I being friends. So...' Ella then smiled at the Alpaca. "Yeah, I would love to see the play," Ella said with a cheerful tone. "Alright! Oh, I have to go." Tem said as he realized he had rehearsals. Just as he was about to leave, Tem turns around to waves to the human girl goodbye. Ella did the same before the two went their separate ways. Ella kept on smiling at the thought of attending a school event with her friends.

However, all good things must come to an end. 

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