Chapter Two: The Lust for Blood

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As the two continued to stare at each other, the wolf finally notices his hand was still gripping on the girl's shoulder. The wolf gasped before lets go of Ella and took a step back. "I'm sorry, it's just...I-I didn't know who was walking here at this time and.." The wolf stuttered with his head hanging down. "Oh no, it's okay," Ella said, waving her hands like it wasn't a big deal. "Why are you out here?" The wolf asked as he looked at the girl. "Oh, I was just returning to my dorm room," Ella replied with a smile. However, the wolf saw that Ella's crystal blue eyes were puffy, and her rosy cheeks were stained from her tears. "Are you okay?" The wolf asked with concern. Ella was confused at his question at first until the wolf used one of his hands to wipe a stray tear away from the girl's left eye.

"Oh, That? That's just allergies. You know since summer is coming and-"

"Are you Ella?" The wolf asked, making the red-haired girl stop. Ella gawked at the wolf until she let a giggle. "Oh, is it because I'm the only human here named Ella?" She said with a dry tone. "No." The wolf answered, making Ella look at him with confusion. "Its because Tem wouldn't stop talking about you." The wolf said Ella's breath was held. This wolf knew who Tem was...Does that mean he was also Tem's friend? "I'm sorry that I have to ask this now but, What's your name?" Ella asked with her blue eyes shining thanks to the light of the moon and stars. The wolf just gazed at the girl's eyes 'Are all Humans eyes that blue?' The wolf thought.

"Legosi..." The wolf answered as his tail start waging back and forth. "Nice to meet you, Legosi-san," Ella said before she gave him one of her beautiful smiles. Then suddenly Legosi smelled was the scent of honey and roses...and it was comforting.


The next day, Ella and Legosi are now at Tem's memorial. Ella carefully placed a bouquet of beautiful daisies on the floor as she and Legosi got on to their knees. 'Tem, I hope that wherever you are, your okay. I promise I'll find the person responsible for this and make sure that person won't hurt anyone else.' Ella promised quietly. While Legosi was remembering the last time he talked to Tem.


Tem was looking down at the love letter he worked so hard on for his first love Els. Tem sighs in disappointment just before he puts the letter back in his locker and closes it. Legosi was on the other side looking at Tem with curiosity. "Putting it back yet again," Legosi said with a bored tone. Tem got startled by Legosi's direct comment, "The timing felt off. It's fine! When the time comes I'll tell her how I feel about her. I can't let Ella down after she gave me a big speech." Tem said with a smile. "Ella? You mean the Human?" Legosi asked he has heard of the rumors about the girl. "Yeah, she's my Best Friend! I really want you to meet her, she's a little shy but she's a great friend." Tem said with a bright smile.

~Flashback End~

'Tem, I've told her for you and I met Ella. You were right...' Legosi eyes wandered to Ella who kept her eyes closed. When Ella opened her eyes again she saw that Legosi was staring at her. The girl's cheeks started to have this burning sensation that made her feel even shyer. She didn't know what to do, so she just gave the wolf a small smile. That smile must have been contagious because Legosi was smiling as well. 'She is shy.' Legosi thought to himself.

"Ah! It's Louis!"

The two turned their heads around to see a tall red deer wearing the school's uniform and holding a bouquet in his hand. The red deer kneed beside Ella as he placed his bouquet next to her's. The two knew who this deer was but a little differently. 'Looks like Louis-san hasn't changed a bit.' Ella thought as she remembered the time when they first met. They were both so very small and shy of each other. Ella giggled at the memory before she turned her attention to her new wolf friend "Legosi-kun," Ella spoke making the male look at her. "I'm gonna go to my club now if I don't Haru-chan will chew me out for being late, I'll see you later," Ella said with a smile before she got up. "Okay..." Legosi muttered as he watched the girl walk down the halls. "You shouldn't stare at a lady for too long. It's considered rude" Legosi turned his head swiftly to see Louis was giving the wolf a strict look. It was going to be a very interesting day for the young wolf.

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