Chapter Four: The Voice of a Rose

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The next day, Ella was dropped off at the school in her father's sleek black car. And of course, the overprotective lion refused to leave until she was in her dorm. Ella knew her father was troubled for his one and only child, going to this school after she was attacked. Sending your child off to the very place where a murder just happened, furthermore their child was attacked the night after. Any parent would be a little concerned about sending their children to this school.


They didn't need the MPs surrounding them as they walked through the front gate. Ella sighed in exhaustion; it was not from the pain in her left shoulder nor the fact she barely had gotten any sleep, no not at all. It was because of her father, as soon as got into the car they had four different cars following them and a crowd of bodyguards. Ella was so embarrassed she had to lower her head and used her hands to hide her beet-red face as they walked to the dorms. She finally got to the dorms, the House Mother threw a temper tantrum of how she never returned to her dorm room last night. The House Mother was an anthropoid primate; she wore a white dress shirt and was heavy on the makeup. This woman went on and on about it didn't matter who her father was or what she was doing, all that mattered to this ape was the school's reputation. Of course, the House Mother would be more worried about the school's reputation than the student's safety since there was a recent attack.

Ella ignored the ignorant ape and just went to her dorm room. Since she was the only one of her kind and her father's wishes for her safety. Enzo requested that his daughter would have to the best room for herself, the dorms would have to offer. The room was defiantly bigger than Haru's and the design to the room was beautiful. If you were to ask Ella if the room was too much for her when she was five years old, she wouldn't mind, but now that she was seventeen years old and has seen the real world. Ella began to feel a little overwhelmed at her family's wealth. 'Oh, well. That's a life of a human, I guess.' Ella sighed in her head as she carefully removed her public clothes; a red long sleeve shirt, a pair of light blue jean overalls and a pair of black converse shoes. Once she removed the clothing, Even with the bandages it didn't conceal the small scars that littered the girl's back.

As Ella carefully put on her brand new white uniform the school provided since she told them that it got caught on a branch or something and that's why the buttons are missing. After all that, the teen human walked over to a mirror and saw that she looked exhausted. Her bright red hair was a complete rats nest, there were dark circles around her sapphire eyes and beneath the bandages, her pale skin started to from ugly dark bruises.

How was Ella gonna explain this to her friends?


So far Legosi was not having the best morning...

Last night, the poor wolf could barely sleep, since he attacked Ella and bit her! The wolf still remembers how easy it was to sink his fangs into her flesh and how her sweet, warm blood filled his mouth. It horrified him so much that he kept on waking up in fright, how did it come to this? For the first time in his life, he met someone who didn't just see him as just a wolf. Ella was kind and showed no fear, she was different than anyone else...

'But after last night, how can I even look at her in the eye again?' Legosi asked to himself as he grabbed his breakfast from one of the cafeteria ladies. In this school; meals are served three times a day. So both Herbivores and Carnivores have to eat together in the cafeteria. Just as Legosi sat down with roommates that were mostly made up of canines. He smelled something, it wasn't coming from the food or the other animals. The scent of honey and roses...

Wait...Honey and Roses?


Legosi quickly turned his head around to see a familiar female with the head of red hair that swayed with every step she took. It was from Ella! The Human female was walking through the crowds of students talking to a small dwarf rabbit female while carrying a brown paper bag. Legosi felt as if the world just completely stopped, there she is. It was like she wasn't fazed by last night's attack at all!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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