Chapter 16

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I woke up with the sun shining straight into my face. I'm not a morning person so I was irritated. But since I was already up, I went downstairs and got breakfast. The first thing i do when I get up, just like any other teenager, I check my phone. Nothing on Instagram. So I check my mail. There was one message from Pop Star magazine. Yes I still read that!

I opened it up and read

"Ross Lynch Quits Austin and Ally?"

Uh... SAY WHAT!?!?! No one has informed me of this! I continued reading.

"Ross Lynch, the lead singer in family band R5 and Austin on Austin and Ally, has announced that he's quitting after just starting to film season 4! Ross explains that 'He and the nmband are doing well enough that he doesn't need Austin and Ally anymore.' Well I guess we'll be looking for a new Austin soon! Thanks for reading!"

I just stared at the screen. This isn't Ross. He wouldn't do this! I decided to call Laura. Ross gave me her number just in case I don't even know why.


"Hey Laura! It's Jessa, Ross' girlfriend?"

"Oh yeah! How you been?"

"Good thanks. I called to discuss a serious matter. Uh... why is Ross quitting Austin and Ally?"

She sighed. "Don't get me started! He's been acting like he's Mr. Big Shot lately and it's really concerning me. At first, when R5 made the radio, they gave like half their earnings to charity and shelters. Now that it's been a while, I think it's occurred to him what money can buy you and quite frankly I don't like what's happening! He's my friend and I just don't want it this way!"

"I don't either," I explained. "I mean something's gotta be done. He'll lose his good reputation if he keeps acting like this."

"And the weird thing is that the rest of them aren't like this. His parents can't even get him under control."

"Well I'm going back on tour with them soon. Maybe sooner than planned."

"That sounds like a plan! Well I better go! Needed on set!"

"Okay! Thank you so much!"

"No problem!"

I hung up and sat there on the table. Ross, why? I let out a big sigh. Then I heard footsteps.

My mom came down the stairs looking tired. "Morning sweetie," she greeted me.

"Hey Mom. I have a question."


"Well I was wondering if I could go back on tour. Like now."

"I don't have a problem with it. You miss them don't you?"

"Uh... yeah. That's part of it."

"And the other is?"

"Uh... there's some problems going on with Ross. I don't really wanna go into details."

"Oh! I understand. Yeah I think it's best you go then."

"Cool! I'll start packing!"

My mom laughed. "You're not gonna leave without seeing the rest of them are you?"

"Heck no!" I replied. "I wouldn't do that!"

"Alright. Well go get packing!"

I ran upstairs and packed all the things I needed. Then once I was done, I texted Rydel.

"Hey! U up yet?"

"Now I am! Wassup?"

"Guess who's gonna see you in about 10 hours?!?!"

"UR COMING BACK?!?!? So soon?"

"Uh... I heard about the Ross trouble."

"Oh yes!! You better get here fast! I think it's cause of depression as well as popularity."

"Okay! Ttyl!"

I grabbed my bags and headed downstairs. My mom had gotten everyone up and handed me my plane ticket.

"Thanks Mom!"

We hopped in the car and took off to the airport.


"I'm gonna miss you Jessa!" Destiny and Bailey cried.

"You don't think I won't?" I teased.

"Flight 32 ready to board."

I sighed. "That's me. Love you guys!" I waved as I ran towards the entrance gate.

Security checked my bags and once that was over, I was on. Vermont, here I come!

A/N: Long chapter! I meant to update at school but the stupid wifi wouldn't save it so yeah. 😜 Thank you so much for reading! Love you guys!


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