Chapter 4

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I woke up on my side. I looked at te clock and it read 7:15. I wanted to fall back asleep but after 10 minutes I realized I wasn't going to. Then I here the sound of an acoustic guitar. I walked tiredly to the living room to find Ross sitting on the couch playing and singing.

"No oscar, no Grammy, no mansion in Miami."

Once he was done, I walked in clapping. He was shocked to see me.

"Oh! Hey. Didn't see you there."

I giggled. "Just me. How long have you been up?"

He thought for a minute. "About an hour."

"AN HOUR?!? But why?!"

He sighed. "I'm nervous for our date... which by the way is tonight before the show."

"Why are you nervous? You're a great planner. Everything's gonna be fine."

"I'm just afraid something's gonna go wrong."

I went and sat next to him. "I heard about the other girls. Is that why you're worried?"


"Well they're gone. Just focus on the present."

He kissed me on the forehead. "Fine then," he giggled.

"Thanks you," I responded.

Then we heard a big bang from the bunk area. We peeked in and saw Ellington on the ground.

"He fell off the bed. It's happened before," Ross told me. He was still asleep too. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. Ross fell to the floor laughing.

"It wasn't that funny Ross."

He took a few deep breaths. "Yes... it.... was!"

I sighed. "Ross, you're acting like a child. You're 18. Grow up!" I joked.

"Well I'm sorry if I thought that something was funny," he answered.

I just looked at him. When we turned around we saw a confused Ellington behind us.

"Okay! Someone explain what just happened!"

"All that happened was that you fell off your bed. There's no explanation needed." I told him.


We ate breakfast and read a while. After an hour it go boring.

"They're such lazy butts," Ross told us.

"Agreed," Ellington and I both said.

"Why don't we wake them up," I told them.

"That sounds great," Ross said.

So we took a few deep breaths and yelled "WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!"

Rocky fell out of bed. "You couldn't have done it any louder," he complained.

Rydel came out of her bed actually looking refreshed. "Thanks for waking me. I needed to start getting up earlier anyways," she said.

Riker came out of his bed with clenched fists.

"That's it!!" he said. "I've had enough of the so called 'wake up calls'!"

He chased Ross for 2 minutes until he got him trapped in the living room. He had him in a scissor hold. "You gonna apologize?"

"Okay! I'm sorry! Geez! You're grumpy this morning."

He let Ross go. And when I thought I was free, it got worse because of Ross' big mouth.

"Just to let you know Riker," he began. "This was all Jessa's idea."

I'm done for! He chased me for a little bit and I finally got to the pint where I could lock myself in the bathroom.

I was in there for about 10 minutes when Riker yelled. "You betwe get outta there cause I've gotta key!"

Great. I decided to stay in there to test him.

Sure enough, the door started to open.

He caught me by the arms and staged me to the living room.

"Don't EVER disturb my sleep AGAIN!!!!"

"Fine," I sighed. "I won't."

"Thank you," he said with pride and let me go.

Ross ran over to me.

"What happened?! Did he hurt you?!!"

"Yeah. He killed me an I'm a ghost."


After that incident, we went to the kitchen and got breakfast for the rest of the band.

A/N: Hope you're enjoying it!! THE CONCERT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!! We were 6 rows firm the stage!!!!! And during HMUOY, MARK LYNCH WAS IN FRONT OF US!!!!!!! I was kinda fangirling. ☺️


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